
Michelle Alisha “Kim” Mosinak - Palm Bay

Theft of an animal

Couple uses Craigslist to track down stolen dog; suspect arrested

Kim Mosinak charged with kidnapping dog
Apr 11, 2014


PALM BAY, Fla. —A suspected dog-napper is in jail and a family has been reunited with their precious pet after nine long days of waiting and wondering.

Ken Randolph's dogs come running when they see him. Patchie is a big white pit bull. Aussie is a black and white Chihuahua mix.

"These animals are just like my children. That's how I treat them. That's how I live with them," he said.
Just over two weeks ago, Ken's white pickup pulled into a local drug store with the dogs in the cab.
That's when Aussie disappeared.

"I found that my little dog was missing, so I went searching," he said.

"We went, searched every street every day. Devastated, scared, wondering if she was safe," said his wife, Sue Randolph.

Miraculously, an ad about Aussie on Craigslist led to a phone call about her whereabouts.

"We got to the house, and they told me your dog is not here. We gave it away. Well, how can you give my dog away?" Ken Randolph said.

Eventually, the trail led to Kim Mosinak (Michelle Alisha Mosinak). Police told her they had store surveillance video, which really doesn't show much, but police said she confessed.

By that time, she was already in jail for an unrelated grand theft.  Now, she's charged with stealing Aussie.

Now, Ken, Aussie, Patchie, and even Boots the cat are reunited, and the animals are microchipped so it won't happen again.

Video transcription:
A suspected dognapper is in jail and a family is reunited with her precious pet after nine long days of waiting and wandering. Wesh 2's Dan Billow is the only one with a story of how Aussie the chihuahua mix was snatched and how her owners didn't give up until they tracked down the alleged thief. Ken Randolph's dogs come running when they see him. Patch is the big white pit bull. Aussie the black and white chihuahua mix.

Named Aussie because to Ken she looks australian. These animals are just like my children. Just over two weeks ago Ken's pickup parked at a local drug store with the dogs in the cab. Ken didn't realize his dog had been stolen right here in the parking lot. He got back in the truck and drove home thinking the dog was in the back seat. I find that my little dog was missing. We searched every street, every day. Devastated. Scared.

Wondering if she was safe. Patchy didn't even want to go in the truck with me anymore. Really just didn't want to go. Miraculously an ad on craigslist led to a phone Ocala about her whereabouts. They told me your dog is not here. We gave it away. How can you give my dog away? Eventually the trail led to Michelle. Police told her they had the surveillance video which really doesn't show much but police say he confessed. By that time she was in jail for unrelated grand theft. Now she is also charged with stealing Aussie. It's horrible. Why would anyone treat an animal that way? And now Ken, Aussie, Patchy and even boots the cat are reunited and the animals are micro chipped.