
Toddrick Leverett - Sarasota

Animal Cruelty, aggravated

Sarasota man arrested for kicking puppy

May 16, 2017

SARASOTA, Fla. (WFLA) — A Sarasota man has been arrested for aggravated animal cruelty after police say he kicked a puppy that was chained to a tree.

Officers were called to a home on 32nd Street around 7:45 Saturday morning and found a large group of people gathered around and yelling at the suspect, 36-year-old Toddrick Leverett.

Witnesses told police Leverett started kicking the puppy around 7:30 a.m., and saw him grab the back of the dog’s neck and drag it through the dirt. They said the puppy was chained to a tree and was desperately trying to get away.

The puppy is a 6-month-old female pit bull that weighs about 25 pounds. Police said she was frightened, but friendly toward responding officers.

The puppy suffered a broken leg from the incident and was taken by the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office Animal Services. She is currently at an emergency vet clinic.

Leverett told officers the dog tried to attack him, and said he was defending himself by kicking her. Police say he was bleeding on his fingers and right elbow, but said none of the marks were consistent with dog bites.

Officers said they smelled alcohol on Leverett’s breath and noticed he was slurring his speech.

DNA Florida

The contents of this file has been taken from public sources and first-hand accounts and is for informational purposes only; and not to be considered a legal document.




Amada Luisa Amadocubides - Greenacres

DOB: 12/09/1984

Vehicular, left dog in hot car


She left her dog in the car for 45 minutes while she went into LA Fitness. Just found in on Palm Beach county clerk website.

828.12(1) Cruelty to Animals


Eduard Rodriguez-Monteagudo - Hialeah

Animal Cruelty (leading to death)

This PSYCOPATH was outside his apt at 3:00am smoking, when his neighbor's cat approached him. He confessed to luring the cat inside, "playing with it for a while, then became upset & TORTURED/MUTILATED/KILLED/HUNG ON THE FENCE" this innocent cat.

Hialeah man accused of hanging neighbor's cat on wooden fence

May 04, 2017

HIALEAH, Fla. - A Hialeah man was arrested Wednesday after he tortured and killed his neighbor's cat, authorities said.
According to an arrest report, the victim called 911 after finding the mutilated remains of the cat hanging from a wooden fence.
Police said the cat had a tight rope fastened around its neck, its stomach was slit from the middle to the tail and its left paw was severed.
Detectives questioned the victim's neighbor, Eduard Rodriguez-Monteagudo, 20, who confessed to luring the animal to his home, police said.
Authorities said Rodriguez-Monteagudo said that he was smoking a cigarette outside his home at about 3 a.m. Wednesday when the victim's cat walked into his yard.
He said he lured the cat into his bedroom and played with it.
Police said Rodriguez-Monteagudo told them that he then became upset at the cat. The remainder of the discussion with police was redacted from the arrest report.
The suspect was arrested on a charge of animal cruelty with the intent to injure or kill.
Rodriguez-Monteagudo spoke to Local 10 News reporter Carlos Suarez after he bonded out of jail.
He claimed that he tried to kill the cat, but then "couldn't go through with it."
"He didn't chicken out because what we saw back there was a pretty gruesome sight," the cat's owner, Eddie Martinez, said.
Rodriguez-Monteagudo told Suarez that he tied something around the cat's neck and then let it go. He claimed that he never cut the cat and that it hanged itself.
When asked what the cat did to make him tie something around the cat's neck to harm it, Rodriguez-Monteagudo said: "Literally, nothing."
The man told Suarez that his own insecurities caused him to hurt the animal.
"For once in my life, I pretty much have everything and I've never accomplished anything in this world," Rodriguez-Monteagudo said. "And I tried to and I couldn't even pull through it because I'm a 'expletive.'" 
The cat's owner told Local 10 News that the cat was named Boo and was 5 years old.
Hialeah police said Rodriguez-Monteagudo was recently hospitalized under Florida's Baker Act for trying to cut off his genitals.
When asked if he would be willing to get help, Rodriguez-Monteagudo said: "Yes, but for other issues not relating to this."
Rodriguez-Monteagudo's father told Local 10 News that he was disturbed by the allegations against his son.

DNA FLorida

Wendy Campbell - Hudson

Breach of rescue contract, gave away rescue dog FREE on Craig’s List


Hi, this is Ginger the President of Doxie Tales. We have such an extensive process of adoption, but sadly, some people are just crazy and fool you. I adopted a dachshund to someone that DARE had already adopted to. I found out that she put the dog up for free on Craig's List. He was peeing in her house. She lied to the person she gave him to and told them he was up to date on shots, and provided no vet paperwork. I will work NON STOP until I find one of my dogs and I did. The person she gave him to, is a good person, but knew nothing about heartworm prevention. We are working on a solution that is in the best interest of the dog. But that is not my point. My point is that NO ONE should adopt to Wendy Campbell. Of course, my contract clearly explains that if for any reason the adopter can no longer care for the dog or want the dog, they are to return the dog to Doxie Tales. This lady lives in Hudson, FL.

DNA Florida

The contents of this file has been taken from public sources and first-hand accounts and is for informational purposes only; and not to be considered a legal document.
