Breach of rescue contract, gave away rescue dog FREE on Craig’s List
Hi, this is Ginger the President of Doxie Tales. We have such an extensive process of adoption, but sadly, some people are just crazy and fool you. I adopted a dachshund to someone that DARE had already adopted to. I found out that she put the dog up for free on Craig's List. He was peeing in her house. She lied to the person she gave him to and told them he was up to date on shots, and provided no vet paperwork. I will work NON STOP until I find one of my dogs and I did. The person she gave him to, is a good person, but knew nothing about heartworm prevention. We are working on a solution that is in the best interest of the dog. But that is not my point. My point is that NO ONE should adopt to Wendy Campbell. Of course, my contract clearly explains that if for any reason the adopter can no longer care for the dog or want the dog, they are to return the dog to Doxie Tales. This lady lives in Hudson, FL.
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