
Toddrick Leverett - Sarasota

Animal Cruelty, aggravated

Sarasota man arrested for kicking puppy

May 16, 2017

SARASOTA, Fla. (WFLA) — A Sarasota man has been arrested for aggravated animal cruelty after police say he kicked a puppy that was chained to a tree.

Officers were called to a home on 32nd Street around 7:45 Saturday morning and found a large group of people gathered around and yelling at the suspect, 36-year-old Toddrick Leverett.

Witnesses told police Leverett started kicking the puppy around 7:30 a.m., and saw him grab the back of the dog’s neck and drag it through the dirt. They said the puppy was chained to a tree and was desperately trying to get away.

The puppy is a 6-month-old female pit bull that weighs about 25 pounds. Police said she was frightened, but friendly toward responding officers.

The puppy suffered a broken leg from the incident and was taken by the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office Animal Services. She is currently at an emergency vet clinic.

Leverett told officers the dog tried to attack him, and said he was defending himself by kicking her. Police say he was bleeding on his fingers and right elbow, but said none of the marks were consistent with dog bites.

Officers said they smelled alcohol on Leverett’s breath and noticed he was slurring his speech.

DNA Florida

The contents of this file has been taken from public sources and first-hand accounts and is for informational purposes only; and not to be considered a legal document.




Amada Luisa Amadocubides - Greenacres

DOB: 12/09/1984

Vehicular, left dog in hot car


She left her dog in the car for 45 minutes while she went into LA Fitness. Just found in on Palm Beach county clerk website.

828.12(1) Cruelty to Animals


Eduard Rodriguez-Monteagudo - Hialeah

Animal Cruelty (leading to death)

This PSYCOPATH was outside his apt at 3:00am smoking, when his neighbor's cat approached him. He confessed to luring the cat inside, "playing with it for a while, then became upset & TORTURED/MUTILATED/KILLED/HUNG ON THE FENCE" this innocent cat.

Hialeah man accused of hanging neighbor's cat on wooden fence

May 04, 2017

HIALEAH, Fla. - A Hialeah man was arrested Wednesday after he tortured and killed his neighbor's cat, authorities said.
According to an arrest report, the victim called 911 after finding the mutilated remains of the cat hanging from a wooden fence.
Police said the cat had a tight rope fastened around its neck, its stomach was slit from the middle to the tail and its left paw was severed.
Detectives questioned the victim's neighbor, Eduard Rodriguez-Monteagudo, 20, who confessed to luring the animal to his home, police said.
Authorities said Rodriguez-Monteagudo said that he was smoking a cigarette outside his home at about 3 a.m. Wednesday when the victim's cat walked into his yard.
He said he lured the cat into his bedroom and played with it.
Police said Rodriguez-Monteagudo told them that he then became upset at the cat. The remainder of the discussion with police was redacted from the arrest report.
The suspect was arrested on a charge of animal cruelty with the intent to injure or kill.
Rodriguez-Monteagudo spoke to Local 10 News reporter Carlos Suarez after he bonded out of jail.
He claimed that he tried to kill the cat, but then "couldn't go through with it."
"He didn't chicken out because what we saw back there was a pretty gruesome sight," the cat's owner, Eddie Martinez, said.
Rodriguez-Monteagudo told Suarez that he tied something around the cat's neck and then let it go. He claimed that he never cut the cat and that it hanged itself.
When asked what the cat did to make him tie something around the cat's neck to harm it, Rodriguez-Monteagudo said: "Literally, nothing."
The man told Suarez that his own insecurities caused him to hurt the animal.
"For once in my life, I pretty much have everything and I've never accomplished anything in this world," Rodriguez-Monteagudo said. "And I tried to and I couldn't even pull through it because I'm a 'expletive.'" 
The cat's owner told Local 10 News that the cat was named Boo and was 5 years old.
Hialeah police said Rodriguez-Monteagudo was recently hospitalized under Florida's Baker Act for trying to cut off his genitals.
When asked if he would be willing to get help, Rodriguez-Monteagudo said: "Yes, but for other issues not relating to this."
Rodriguez-Monteagudo's father told Local 10 News that he was disturbed by the allegations against his son.

DNA FLorida

Wendy Campbell - Hudson

Breach of rescue contract, gave away rescue dog FREE on Craig’s List


Hi, this is Ginger the President of Doxie Tales. We have such an extensive process of adoption, but sadly, some people are just crazy and fool you. I adopted a dachshund to someone that DARE had already adopted to. I found out that she put the dog up for free on Craig's List. He was peeing in her house. She lied to the person she gave him to and told them he was up to date on shots, and provided no vet paperwork. I will work NON STOP until I find one of my dogs and I did. The person she gave him to, is a good person, but knew nothing about heartworm prevention. We are working on a solution that is in the best interest of the dog. But that is not my point. My point is that NO ONE should adopt to Wendy Campbell. Of course, my contract clearly explains that if for any reason the adopter can no longer care for the dog or want the dog, they are to return the dog to Doxie Tales. This lady lives in Hudson, FL.

DNA Florida

The contents of this file has been taken from public sources and first-hand accounts and is for informational purposes only; and not to be considered a legal document.



Ernest Martin - Jacksonville

6 counts of animal abandonment

Video captures man stuffing pillow cases filled with puppies into drain

April 24, 2017

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - A man was arrested several months after he put six puppies in pillow cases, tied the pillow cases in a knot and dropped them into a culvert near a storm drain, the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office said.
Ernest Martin faces six counts of animal abandonment.

Martin, 39, was arrested Saturday, but the incident took place last September, police said.

According to the Sheriff's Office, a passerby noticed the pillow cases, and people then took out the puppies, which had been stolen from their owner.

A resident checked their surveillance video, and Martin was seen in it, stuffing the puppies into the culvert at the corner of Clyde Street and Van Buren Avenue, police said.

"It just breaks my heart to see someone hurting animals like that," said the person who recorded the surveillance video. "He throws them real high into the air and over the fence and they're hitting the ground. He came back outside with some pillow cases, grabbed the puppies up one by one, came out here to the drain and started shoving them into the drain."

The witness, who wished to not be identified, told News4Jax on Monday that when the man couldn't stuff all the puppies into one drain, he went to another one.

"When they started moving around, he was kicking them, trying to shove them back into the drain," the witness said.

Fortunately, all six puppies, which police said belonged to Martin's stepfather, survived the attack. News4Jax learned that one of the puppies now lives with the stepfather, and the others were given to family members.

Martin's mother, who asked to remain anonymous, said her son's actions were the result of schizophrenia.

"When he saw the dogs, he thought they were little demons," she said. "He goes through little spasms, but he put them in there. He put them in the ditch."

Martin was booked into the Duval County Jail and ordered held on $90,000 bond.
Viewer warning: The videos, shown in this story, contain graphic details and images that may be considered disturbing to some people.

JSO booking photo of Ernest Martin on surveillance image


Timothy Ray Gaffney Jr & Deborah Ann Hess - Jacksonville

Neglect (leading to death) breeders neglected litter resulting in death

Deputy arrested two who bred a litter of GSD and then neglected them. Some died.



Payment Required For Release: * $165,012.00


Payment Required For Release: * $150,009.00


Zachary Thomas Kelly - Rockledge

Abuse, bit puppy on the ears

Florida Man Bites Dog, Then Brother

April 20, 2017

ROCKLEDGE, Florida - A Florida man was arrested after he allegedly bit a puppy repeatedly in the ears and then bit his brother on Monday afternoon in Rockledge, Florida.

According to a Brevard County Sheriff's Office arrest affidavit, 30-year-old Zachary Thomas Kelly became upset when his girlfriend's four-month-old puppy was acting up at their home on Coronado Drive. So Kelly allegedly held down the puppy in the living room and began biting the dog on the ears in order to "teach him a lesson."

The puppy began to yelp due to the pain from the bites, which caused Kelly's mother to come into the living room to see what was the matter. The mother then pushed Kelly off of the dog, deputies say.

Kelly's brother, upon hearing the commotion, also came to the living room. That's when Kelly allegedly punched his brother in the left and the two began fighting. During the fight, Kelly allegedly bit his brother in the left nipple, leaving visible bite marks with broken skin.

Kelly then fled the scene but was pulled over by a Rockledge Police Department K-9 unit for speeding just a few minutes later. He was arrested and charged with felony animal cruelty with pain and suffering, battery domestic violence, driving under the influence, reckless driving, and driving under the influence.

Kelly was booked into the Brevard County Jail on a $5,500 bond.

Sigman Andre Hernandez - Miami

Lily the Yorkie


By: Mary Garcia

Lily is a beautiful yorkie that was discovered by an employee of a Publix supermarket on Miami Beach, Fl. on 04-07-2017 inside their parking garage. Lily is suspected of being severely beaten & battered! The culprits then decided to leave Lily to suffer and die a cruel death by a trash can inside the Publix supermarket parking garage! Police officers were immediately called to investigate and find help for Lily. I was called to assist with providing the life saving emergency vet care Lily now needed to even have a chance at surviving. Lily was was found unable to move, lying on her side with blood gushing from her mouth. Her eyes were bloodshot and she would only occasionally moan in pain but was barely responsive. Lily was clinging to life!

I rushed Lily to my 24 hour veterinary clinic in Doral, Fl. to try and save her (SEE VET INFO BELOW). After X-rays were done and a full examination was conducted Lily was discovered to have several broken ribs, was peeing & pooping blood, and suffered some head trauma. It is strongly suspected that Lily was savagely beaten by someone and then left to die based on the type of injuries she suffered and the location that she was found. Miami Beach police have additional evidence that I cannot disclose to the public at this time to not compromise the integrity of an ongoing criminal investigation.

Lily's initial bill was $1990 last night and she still needs round the clock care to even see if she will be saved. So far she's been fighting hard and we don't want to give up on her but money to cover the astronomical costs of saving her is a reality. Without it I can't save beautiful animals like Lily who deserve a second chance and justice for what's been done to them. Please everyone I really need ALL OF US TO COME TOGETHER FOR LILY! Without our collective help she will not make it and I don't want to see that happen.


I OPERATE ON 100% TRANSPARENCY & MOST OF YOU KNOW MY GOOD AND HONEST REPUTATION IN THE ANIMAL RESCUE WORLD. I know there's a lot of scammers out there so I understand that some people aren't comfortable donating via PayPal. I will post the veterinary office information where Lily is and anyone is welcome to go in person to make a donation and see Lily for yourself. I WILL POST RECEIPTS AND I WILL PROVIDE ANY RECEIPTS PERSONALLY TO ANYONE THAT WANTS TO HAVE ONE OF LILYS VET CARE COSTS.

YOU MAY ALSO JUST CLICK ON THE PAYPAL DONATE BUTTON INSIDE THE FUNDRAISER LINK AND PLEASE TRUST THAT ALL DONATIONS WILL GO 100% TO LILYS MEDICAL BILLS. Please note that your donation will show as given to "Mariana Jomarron" that's because I haven't updated my PayPal to my married name of "Mariana Garcia" so please don't be worried the donation did not go to the right place. Thank you everyone! Let's save lily!

LILY IS UNDER MARIANA GARCIA (Mary Garcia, MIAMI BEACH POLICE). I initially named her "Yorkie Garcia" when I arrived at the emergency room last night since I didn't know the sex of the dog.

Doral Animal Centre Clinic
9400 NW 58th St.
Doral, Florida 33178
(305) 598-1234 

Fundraiser Updates 1 Posted on April 9, 2017

Friends it is with much heartbreak and overwhelming sadness that Lily has passed away. My heart is broken in a thousand pieces over losing Lily. She didn't deserve to suffer like this and then die without a second chance at life!! Lily fought so very hard and we fought hard for her! We provided the best care available and didn't spare a penny to make sure Lily had the best chance possible at a recovery. Sadly it wasn't meant to be but this is not over! A full blown police investigation is currently being conducted by the Miami Beach police department. There are a few leads that have surfaced that may lead us to Lily's abuser but I can't disclose them at this time to preserve the integrity of the investigation. I promise I will keep everyone posted on any progress made in the investigation. Lily's story will be featured in the media within the next few days to draw attention to her case and possibly bring us more information that will lead to her abusers.


A huge thank you to all of you that donated to save Lily's life, you are the true Heroes here. Although we didn't get the outcome we hoped for that Lily would live through this horrific abuse, it's thanks to all of you that she was able to receive the much needed/ best emergency care available to save her. I'm so thankful for all of you, I couldn't of provided Lily the care she needed without your generosity & charity. The vets office gave me some courtesy to reduce Lily's initial costs which I'm very thankful for. Please see the updated invoice as it will be posted here and the fundraiser will be adjusted accordingly. ALL OF YOU ARE ANGELS FOR DONATING TO LILY

A big thank you to everyone to the entire staff who fought hard to save Lily's life and make her as comfortable as possible before she left this earth. Thank you for the courtesy to reduce some of Lily's costs, it is very appreciated



Police searching for person who left dog to die in Miami Beach garage

April 18, 2017

MIAMI (WSVN) - Police are searching for the person who beat a small dog and left her to die in a parking garage, where she was found lying motionless, earlier this month.
Surveillance video from Friday, April 7, shows a red Toyota Yaris pulling into the Publix parking garage off West Avenue. A man then gets out and appears to be taking something out of his car, police said, before setting it on the ground.
Detectives believe he was handling the 4 or 5-year-old Yorkshire terrier, who police named Lily.

“Someone basically had to have beaten and strangled her and then literally just took her body and left it there,” said Dr. Joy Carter, the treating veterinarian.
Carter said Lily had several broken ribs and signs of strangulation. She died two days after being found.
A Publix employee found the six-pound dog in a garage next to the supermarket, and a Miami Beach Police officer then helped bring the dog to Doral Centre Animal Hospital.
Further video showed the man walking to an elevator with his face clearly visible. Police said, before he drove off, after going to the restroom, he may have stomped on Lily.
The Publix employee found her lying on her side, breathing and crying in pain.
“The dog came in with pretty severe injuries to the left side of the chest. It had like seven fractured ribs. It had indications that it had been strangled with some type of leash or collar or rope,” Carter said, “and then had pretty severe head trauma; the dog was actually pretty much comatose or unconscious when it came in.”
There was no evidence that a car might have hit Lily.
MBPD detectives are looking to identify and speak with the man shown in the surveillance video.
“What we’re trying to do is get his picture out there for the public, ’cause someone’s gotta recognize this guy,” Carter added.
If you have any information on this case if animal cruelty, call Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at 305-471-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a $1,000 reward.

Man Seen in Miami Beach Beaten Dog Video Charged With Animal Cruelty

April 18, 2017

A man was arrested and charged for the fatal beating of a small dog found at the parking garage of a Miami Beach Publix after surrendering to authorities Wednesday.
The man, who identified himself as Sigman Hernandez, spoke with NBC 6 as he walked into the Miami Beach Police Department headquarters. He said a detective contacted him and asked him to come in for questioning.
Miami Beach Police said they arrested and charged Hernandez with animal cruelty with intent to injure or kill.
Hernandez also told NBC 6 he found the dog in an alley near the Publix and decided to take it so it wouldn't get run over.
"I didn't hurt the dog. It wasn't even my dog," said Hernandez. The 40-year-old added that he left the dog because he had to go to work and didn't know what else to do.
Police said the little Yorkshire terrier was found by an employee on the second level of the parking garage at 1920 West Avenue back on April 7.
Officers responded and found the 6-pound dog, which was severely injured and appeared to be dying, police said. The dog was brought to the Doral Centre Animal Hospital, where she was named "Lily."
Lily was in critical condition with seven broken ribs on her left side and two broken ribs on her right side, police said. She also had swelling on her neck and bloodshot red eyes which indicated she may have been strangled, police said.
Lily was given care at the hospital but died two days later from her injuries, police said. A picture of Lily in her final moments show her resting on her side, bandaged and in pain. X-rays show the internal injuries.
"I don't understand how someone can do this. I mean it's just heartless. This is a dog that is less than eight pounds and completely helpless," said Dr. Joy Carter, one of the doctors who treated Lily. "She was in pretty severe condition, she was obviously pretty much comatose, not conscious or anything like that."
Police said surveillance cameras at the Publix captured a man in a red Toyota Yaris in the garage the day Lily was found. The man is seen removing an item from his car near where the dog was found, police said.
At one point, the man is seen bobbing up and down near where he placed the object, police said.
"It is strongly suspected that the subject may have been stomping on 'Lily's' body since he lingered in the spot where she was eventually found but it's unclear in the video at this time," a detective wrote in an incident report.
"It takes a sick person to abuse, any abuse, to an animal or a child or anyone who's obviously helpless," Dr. Carter said.

Miami Beach police arrest man in Yorkshire terrier death

April 19, 2017

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. - Miami Beach police have arrested a man in the death of a Yorkshire terrier that was found in a parking garage, authorities said on Wednesday.
Sigman Hernandez was arrested on a charge of animal cruelty.
A Publix employee found the dog April 7 in a parking garage next to the supermarket.
Photos of the 6-pound dog show her lying motionless on the ground.
The dog, who police named Lily, did not have a tag or microchip.
"She was just lying on her side. She was not moving. She was yelping occasionally, and you could really see something was wrong. She was really hurt, badly," Officer Mariana Garcia said.
Garcia helped get Lily to an animal trauma center.
Veterinarians said the dog had seven broken ribs and signs of strangulation. There was no evidence that she could have been hit by a car.
Veterinarians tried everything to save the little dog, but she died two days later.
Surveillance video shows a red Toyota Yaris pulling into the Publix parking garage off West Avenue the morning of April 7.
"The gentleman in the video is seen removing something from the passenger side and placing it down near the trash can area," Garcia said. "We do believe it's Lily that he removed from his vehicle."
Hernandez is allegedly later seen taking an elevator to the bathroom before leaving.
Anyone with further information is asked to call Miami Beach police or Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at 305-471-TIPS

Sigman hernandez Facebook page - being threatened

Man confesses to ‘slapping and possibly choking’ Yorkie after she vomits in car

April 19, 2017

Miami Beach police say Sigman Hernandez confessed Wednesday to “slapping and possibly choking” his tiny Yorkshire Terrier and leaving her in a Publix parking garage.
The reason, he told police: The dog vomited in his car.
Hernandez, 40, of Miami, now faces a third-degree felony animal cruelty charge, punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine up to $10,000, according to state statutes. He also faces one count of animal abandonment. He was being held Wednesday night in Miami-Dade’s Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center on a $6,000 bond.
On Tuesday, police released video of a “person of interest,” after a barely 8-pound dog was found next to a concrete column in the Publix garage at 1920 West Ave. Officers took the dog, later named Lily, to Doral Centre Animal Hospital, a 24-hour emergency facility. The dog had at least seven broken ribs and showed signs of strangulation, police said. The dog died from her injuries two days later.
Garage surveillance video showed a red Toyota Yaris with a delivery sign on the roof back into a parking space shortly before the dog was found. The video showed the man go into the elevator, go to the restroom and then return to his car.
On Wednesday afternoon, the police department tweeted they were speaking with the “person of interest” seen in the video and later announced the arrest.
Hernandez, whose occupation is listed as a delivery person, told police he took the dog out of the car and placed it on the garage floor.
“The defendant admitted to pushing his dog with his feet while the dog lay on the garage floor,” the officer wrote in Hernandez’s report. “The defendant then abandoned his dog to suffer without providing care and assistance.”


Felony Animal Cruelty & Abandonment

DOB: 12/13/1976
State Case No.:     13-2017-CF-007585-0001-XX
Court Case No.: F-17-007585
Intake Prosecutor: KATHLEEN HOAGUE
Hearing Date: 05/19/2017

DNA Florida

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