Jun 20, 2013 - Orlando - Animal Services seized nearly 40 dogs
Mar 11, 2015 - Titusville - seized 45 cats & over 15 dogs. Property was filled with feces, urine and trash.
40 dogs impounded from Orange Co. rescue group
June 20, 2013
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — Orange County Animal Services took in nearly 40 dogs from an east Orange County rescue group Thursday.
The animals were moved from a home on Econlockhatchee Trail in east Orlando by Lake Underhill Road.
WFTV learned the owner, Jorge Valez, wasn't supposed to be operating the rescue on the property in the first place.
Valez said he helps operate a rescue called Faith, Hope and Love with his girlfriend in the house.
"Did you mistreat these animals?" asked Channel 9's Racquel Asa.
"No, absolutely not. No. Do I look like I would mistreat them?" Valez said.
Valez said he took in animals, fed them on a regular basis and cared for them.
WFTV checked with the IRS and the group has a valid nonprofit status.
The property owner of the home said Valez wasn't allowed to run the rescue business out of the home.
Last May, he started the eviction process for the tenants.
Animal Services said the rescue didn't have a kennel license with code enforcement to have as many dogs as it did on the property.
"Are you struggling as a rescue group?" Asa said.
"As a rescue group, you always struggle," Valez said.
In an email WFTV obtained from a fellow rescue group, Faith, Hope and Love was looking for help and a new place to house the dogs because the owner had suffered a stroke.
"I'm just working with them and pulling everyone together and we're going to get these guys back out here," Valez said.
"So do you plan to fight this?" Asa said.
"Oh, absolutely," Valez said.
Animals Services is weighing and checking every one of the animals impounded Thursday and said the owner was allowed to keep three dogs.
Mary Lundberg Dogs were sent to him and people were told he lived on a 5 acre property - with nice indoor kennels. I looked it up- a rental on less than an acre with no real kennel facility. Someone who transported to the place is on this page and told me she would not send dogs there. I was told the 5 acre BS story by a chick named Juliana Venturini Coimbra out of Orlando.. in a PM regarding a dog named Chain - who had a foster plan, but she insisted he go to his place.. did a chip in for a new kennel- even though someone on the PM was offering a free one. Look up George on sunbiz.. he is more interesting.. look up his name on Google.
Faith Love & Hope was pulling dogs for Dana Clary / Rockstar Rescue who in turn was pulling dogs for Jessica An / Ohana that was busted for hoarding earlier this month:
Faith Love & Hope was pulling dogs for Dana Clary / Rockstar Rescue who in turn was pulling dogs for Jessica An / Ohana that was busted for hoarding earlier this month:
2013 In Crisis
2014 in Crisis
Always a crisis
OCAS Report
OCAS Kennel Card for CHAIN