Not legitimate rescue
You have probably seen my post in DNA about the crazy homecheck I did with the lady offering me a drink at 11am in her pjs.. and the follow up events. Though she did things I would never have done, I dont believe she was being malicious at that point, just careless.
*Cookie, 7 yr old bulldog mix pulled from MDAS a week ago. Pulled FOR a specific adopter (by a NJ rescuers best friend, fostered at her home) that had yet to have a home check done. Home check failed as you know... Rescuer was still willing to adopt to the woman though - asking me to do a 3 day, 1 week, and 1 month follow up. *Adopter found another dog, bailed on adoption *Sunday was to be adoption day, she had yet to see a vet. She went to vet yesterday as she was showing signs of a "slight cold". Cookie has UTI and BITE WOUNDS. *Cookie has no adopter, rescue is looking for funding for vet, a new foster, and an adopter now. This dog sat for a week outside of MDAS without seeing a vet, was set to be placed in an adopters home on Sunday having NEVER SEEN A VET, and she has BITE WOUNDS that no one noticed for a week?