
Stoops, Lisa Marie - Apopka

Animal cruelty

(407) 227-1966  


Stoops DOB: 05-06-1989

Seminole County

Case #
False Report of Commission of Crime
Animal Cruelty

Orange County

Case Number
Lisa Stoops vs. Robert V Galluzzo
Eviction, Pending
State of FL vs Stoops, Lisa Marie
Cruelty to Animals
State of FL vs Stoops, Lisa Marie
Cruelty to Animals
Speer, Carrie vs Stoops, Lisa
Replevin $1001-$2500
Stoops, Lisa vs. Speers, Carrie Anne
Repeat Violence
State of FL vs Stoops, Lisa
Animal at Large (4)
State of FL vs Stoops, Lisa
Failure to Vax Rabies (8)
State of FL vs Stoops, Lisa
Animal Neglect (4)
William Hankey vs Lisa Stoops, Holly Taylor
Speer, Carrie vs Stoops, Lisa
Replevin for horse

Volusia County

Case Number
File Date
Julie Jones v Lisa Stoops - Stalking


2014-07-14 - DNA

Important, please read. This is not my normal "Rant" There is a situation than must be brought to the 
rescue communities attention. There are 2 people who present themselves as representatives of 
various rescue groups. Previously they did foster for several of these groups until the horrific conditions 
the animals were found and promptly ended any affiliation specifically with Animal Advocates as well 
as several others. These 2 individuals "troll" facebook, Craigslist and several other sites to procure animals.
There also does not seem to be any intra agency communication as they have case pending in several 
counties...while it is not my personal responsibility to "out" them, I also can not sit idly by and watch 
more animals suffer needlessly...on a personal level, because of the direct neglect, intentional or not.. 
We have had 4 animals die needlessly and 2 mothers and 2 litters of puppies that were so sick, it was 
questionable that they would even live (they did and have been adopted except for 2 mama dogs who 
will find forever homes).They have been investigated by the department of Ag (regarding malnourished 
horses) as well as Orange County Animal Services (info is public record)..to our horror and before we 
realized the seriousness of this whole situation, 3 of our dogs disappeared and a 4th had to be euthanized 
because of the magnitude of his neglect. It has been brought to our attention that these two are 
continuing or attempt to procure horses, dogs, puppies, cats, kittens, goats etc...they must be stopped.
These 2 have an explanation for everything that to the unknowing sounds quite plausible..I can 
assure you, they grossly misrepresent their intentions. They also will threaten lawsuits when confronted. 
Everything in this post is easily provable with pictures and reports...the picture are quite upsetting. 
It is not my habit to post names publicly but I more than happy to share with any one interested in 
a private message. Many of us in the rescue community know these people...Horrible things have 
happened and more will, if as a rescue community..we don't stop them. *Many of the animals were 
"pulled" in the rescues names without the knowledge of the rescue....this is a truly heartbreaking 
but necessary post. EVERYONE in the RESCUE community deserves to know NOT TO ADOPT or 
ALLOW HER TO FOSTER ANY animals.. not even a pet ROCK. it's not Slander if it's TRUE, and Public 
Records will show that she is guilty as charged. She and her "roommate". Bad News travels fast.

2014-07-23 Mello

This dogs name is "Mello", he belongs to Lisa Stoops. last week he was picked up by Orange County Animal 
Services and his microchip is registered to her...this is a dog that she "found' and Animal Advocates vetted 
for her as she could not afford it. When we went to her property to secure the raining animals she was 
"fostering " this dog jumped on our van and was literally drug back out by Holly ...Taylor 5 times because 
she refused to let us take him as it would "break Lisa Stoops heart" With much reservation we left the 
dog owned by her, there. Now he finds himself at OCAS in isolation due to an upper respiratory infection.
When Lisa was contacted to pick up her dog, she told them to go ahead and kill him and she did not care 
what happened to him...this is a dog she refused to let us take because it was owned by her and it would 
break her heart. Now we find out he has killed cats, baby goats and has attacked other dogs and horses 
( per Lisa) AA has no foster space for this boy...when we met him he was high spirited but friendly and 
only wanted attention and to be petted. I know we can't save them all but too many have been killed 
by these 2. This dog deserves at least a chance..Can anybody in the rescue community help? We have 
no way of know if the allegations are true and I will get the reports of his temperament test. Boarding is 
only a short term solution but is you are interested in offsetting a day or 2 or if you have a pit savvy foster..
help us save this victim of Lisa and Holly...Please make other recues aware so these 2 sub Human pieces 
of human waste never get another dog...I personally and on behalf of AA am upset to my soul over this 
beautiful animal. Suggestions are welcome but time is limited. Thank you in advance.

2014-07-29 Mello Missing

This is Holly Taylor and Lisa Stoops, known throughout the central Florida area. These are the 2 that we need 
your help in sharing so that everyone in rescue know and recognizes these 2. Mello, thought dead is safely at 
an undisclosed location. Sadly other animals in their care are dead (for certain) others are "missing"...Mello 
was found with his muzzle completely duct taped shut...don't know who is responsible but it is worth 
mentioning. My son has had the Sheriff's dept called on him personally by Lisa Stoops saying he threatened 
her and her mother (un true)...let me make this VERY clear....the only threat made was to insure that these 
2 "women" never are able to rescue anything ever again..the gig is in fact, up.... I have pics and reports that 
are quite graphic if there is ANY question. Thank you to the rescue community and for getting this boy to safety.

2014-08-05 - EVICTED

Hi Amoret. I am, as of today, the former landlord of Holly Taylor and Lisa Stoops. We finalized the official 
sheriffs eviction this morning. We live in northeast Tennessee and had no idea what these ladies were truly 
like when we rented them the property to have an animal rescue on. This has been a heartache ever since 
I, while visiting my adult children, scheduled a walk through of our property. We cried over the condition 
of the animals, lamented over the total destruction of the property and house, and contacted several people 
we know with the ASPCA and animal services. They left today, pulling a trailer with a dead horse in it. My 
husband drove down to oversee the eviction. He is sickened by the condition of the property and what 
probably has happened there since these women moved in 4 or 5 months ago. We own a horse farm and 
animal rescue here and our hearts are broken for the animals. Please continue to spread the word that these 
women should not be allowed to buy, foster, adopt, etc any animals.

Michelle Haugh Thank you for stepping up for the animals & evicting them. Please don't lose your trust in 
Rescue Groups, thankfully there are many good ones that do great things for so many here in Florida.
Amoret LaRosa Bridwell is one & helping spread the word about this scum!! Together we CAN make a 
difference. I am so sorry the animals & Your property were destroyed by them.

Pat Hankey Thank you all for the kind words and moral support. We would not ask any of you to help with 
clean up of the house. We have hired people with semi-hazmat gear to clean up the buckets full of dog poo 
all over the house. Everything in the house has a permeating odor which will require cleaning, bleaching, 
repainting, defleaing. In light of the fact that they did not pay much in rent during their time there, eviction 
and clean up put us way in the red. According to the sheriffs office, the horse that died and another horse 
were being hauled to their new location at 2am in a flat bed uhaul with 2' high sides and when they went 
around a corner at too high a speed, the horses just fell off. Those poor animals must have been terrified. 
We haven't given up on animal rescue. We have a large horse farm and have 32 dogs (mostly rescues) and 
30 cats (all rescues) of our own. 9 of our horses are rescues. Animals don't ask to be born, they just ask for 
a happy, pain free life. We all do!

Amoret LaRosa Bridwell Pat....thank you Lord for social media...we're it not for people sharing, resharing, 
posting and cross posting. Who knows how long this would have continued. I am terribly upset for the animals 
and I upset that you and your family have to deal with the aftermath. ..there are many of us willing to lend a 
helping hand....this whole situation is a direct slap in the face and it really stings...this is far from over..I wish 
we could run them out of town with burning torches.

Pat Hankey As to their location, they moved to somewhere in Seminole county. The accident with the horse 
happened by the Budweiser plant off of 46. Should be able to find out where they buy their feed, IF they 
buy feed.

Eviction Photos

This damage and filth was done in 5 months.



2014-08-07 - From Jennifer, homeowner's daughter

I received this email this morning, I am sharing it and asking all of you to do the same. Time to get back to 
the business of rescuing animals…

Hi Amoret. I'm Pat's daughter, Jennifer and she gave me your email address to send you my photos and 
videos of the Aein Rd property formerly occupied by Lisa and Holly (otherwise known as the scum of the earth). When I went to the property with my mom in July, I could not believe what I saw. My mom has rescued animals ever since I can remember and I worked in the veterinary field for many years and have never seen anything like it. The day we went out there, I cried for those horses and knew something needed to be done to help them and stop those women from ever being able to have another animal. We called a contact with animal services that day and it was so frustrating that we couldn't just take them somewhere immediately. Your post about the scum was shared by a facebook friend of mine just the other day and I was relieved that there was someone else out there that knew how horrible these women truly are. I immediately called my mom to let her know about you as soon as I saw it which led to her contacting you. Thank goodness for social media!

On Monday morning, I went to the property with my step-father to take photos and videos of the condition 
of the house. I would say I was surprised to see a dead horse in a uhaul trailer but given the severity of the 
animal neglect I witnessed in July, I was not surprised in the least. These women must be stopped and 
exposed for the filth they are! I am not a videographer or photographer in the least but I do have a few 
videos and multiple photos that I would be happy to share with you. I will send you a separate email with 
the link to the Google drive that I set up with the photos and videos. Please let me know if I can help in any 
other way.

Thank you!

The goat


Cleanup 2

Eviction video

Appalo - killed horse

This is Appalo. The first picture is the day that she picked him up and took possession. The second is on or 
about last Monday the 11th. There is the evidence of 4 1/2 months of neglect abuse and abandonment. 
What a tragic ending for such a magnificent animal. My only question is why didn't authorities listen to my 
cries for help for him. And my second question is, How in the world are these women walking free? I need 
some answers. Please pray to God that these two monsters are stopped. They are currently trying to get 
more dogs and horses. This is first hand knowledge from people she has solicited. What is wrong with this 
picture?? God Bless all of you who continue to support us on this case. I am heart broken but determined 
to gain justice for all the animals they have abused. Please post on your FB pages to stop these monsters. 


2014-09-15 Court Date

Court date tomorrow at 9am at the Orange County courthouse in front of Simpkins and Halker. They have 
been laying low and I don't even know if they will show. If you are able, please be present...I don't know how 
to stop these 2 but I am compelled to try..the charges are 8 counts of failure to vaccinate and one at large 
charge...the animals they were fostering for Animal Advocates, have either been adopted into loving homes 
or remain in foster care. Sadly one was euthanized and 2 died as a result of their negligence. Mello, the animal 
at large, who was found with his muzzle ducted taped shut has been reunited with his original owner. No 
animal should ever be subjected to torturous conditions inflicted by these 2. I am not trying to change the 
world, just this little corner of rescue that I am personally involved in. Make no mistake...they will be back.

Pat Hankey Finds Dead Cat



