
Alesha N. Britton - Lehigh Acres

Alesha N. Britton - Lehigh Acres
Animal Cruelty, stabbed dog
LCAS report #: A16-126603
DOB: 12/15/1993


Someone I know recently admitted that they were the person who stabbed my 10 year old dog two months ago because they were mad at me. I feel like they shouldn't be able to adopt any dogs if they have previously stabbed one.

I called the sheriff when she admitted and they had Domestic Animal call me because apparently since it had two months ago and I filed a report with them so they're supposed to be investigating. I have that form (copy) & the photos.

She's healed now but I'm horrified as I've had her all 10 years and I feel like I've failed her. I'm not going to give up on getting her justice though. The woman who stabbed her also claims to be an animal lover so I don't want this to happen to any other animals.

Thank you, so far I have the report I made at Lee County Domestic. Her name is Alesha N. Britton and she resides in Lehigh Acres FL now

https://scontent.ftpa1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-0/p280x280/14958662_1812584362298976_607535162_n.jpg?oh=a55b558335a7eed324a82df73896dd35&oe=58237B52  https://scontent.ftpa1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-0/p280x280/14962926_1812584355632310_384825579_n.jpg?oh=963870381e13cab5a1b2768a580b8a0c&oe=582453B6


LCAS report #: A16-126603

https://scontent.ftpa1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-0/p280x280/15045634_1813780538846025_1067115004_n.jpg?oh=73e7b72ec572e0d12a5b4bc6b7205fd6&oe=5824C7D8  https://scontent.ftpa1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-0/p280x280/15045621_1813780575512688_1596728250_n.jpg?oh=0906d5bdf943fd15319fa0b79885f024&oe=58247DD2

Alesha Britton refuses to sign a sworn statement with the investigator saying she stabbed the dog but she did admit it to him. He has fined her with a cruelty charge of $543 which is the highest he can charge her with. If she doesn't pay it in the time given she will have to go to court for it.