Home "necropsy" on puppy
Dissolution - 09/26/2014
Florida Department of Agriculture
Jamie Ocean
Wendy Wisp
Stephanie McLean
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Teagan Demeo Post
July 16, 2013
Original thread for pregnant Mama:
WHO does their OWN necropsies???
Jamie’s Posts About the Dying Pups:
Woke up to a WEIRD sound
Depending on how things go
The cry of Kali this CAT CALL
Will call vet tomorrow
Soo he literally died in my arms and revived him
Here trying to save pups
Earlier I posted two pups that were doing the cat call
A lot going on pups dropping like crazy
He has passed to the rainbow bridge
Cannot seem to get a break
I believe we have given the, a few more hours
Posting a video
The vet believes this is what the pups have
For anyone with an issue with what we’ve done
Going to cut open pup
I have done necropsies on Deers
Cut open pup liver is HUGEEEEE
The Pancreas and liver are HUGE
This is the liver and kidney
Precautions have been made
Vet called and is being swamped by angry people
We will have necropsy results in the mail
Let me make a quick statement here
Necropsy results - only showing page 1 of 3
Removing Necropsy Photo
I have been asked by Facebook to remove the Necropsy photos, lol so I have!!
<<<< The plea on pic is when we had FIRST seen the start of this, since then, FOUR PUPS have passed it says one pups life hangs in balance, but has now since changed. $95 donated so far
We have pups needing prayers and help Their story below info of how to help! The info about what is or has gone on is below the donation info! Please read below on how YOU can help.
Ways to Help:
FREE WAY TO HELP Pet Project will donate $.50 per NEW LIKE to their page details of how below, Pet Project has so far for this family added $20 to the pups bill TY PET PROJECT!:
#1 Please Click Pet Projects link and LIKE their page Link here:
#2 After LIKING their page, PLEASE Private message them and tell them you have LIKED for Skye's pups ( DO NOT Post on their timeline, only PM)!
Second Way to help: We currently will owe $500 to the vet for this family. Please Call the vet with donations at 386-775-3735 and will be under Jamie Herman and Skye's Pups.
Third way you can help is by donating to our rescue through this link we have spent about $400 of our OWN Money for the last week, we spent and payed vet some money, and we have also just spent $300 yesterday on meds and other random things for the family:
Ok three days ago at night July 12th, we noticed the RUNT of the litter and one other puppy start to seem congested, seemed to have a little fluid in lungs, or so we thought. Not bad just a little noise when they breathed. We were going to take them into vet in the AM to have them checked. I Woke in the Morning to one of the Puppies of the two making an awful Cat like mewing sound. I went over to him and he seemed to be having a little trouble. I wrapped him in a blanket and rubbed him a little bit to make sure he was ok, everything seemed fine after sitting with him for ten minutes and monitoring.
I ran to take a QUICK Shower so we could head to the vet, the runt was ok at the time. My daughter within a few minutes comes running in saying momma dog had the pup by the neck and it was dead, so I rush out to check. Sure enough it was. I revived him and left to the vet with the runt and the pup that had died, along the way having to revive him to keep him alive.
Once at vet they rushed him in the back to help and try and keep him alive. His temp was only 93. They did everything they could giving him meds to stimulate his heart and lungs.
The runt they checked over and seemed ok. Lungs sounded pretty clear, she was sent home with meds for ALL Pups thinking possible Upper respritory infection of some sort, but also the vet had mentioned it could be whats called Fading Puppy Syndrome given the other pup, who was staying at vet so they could work on him for the day.
I got home, and around 1 pm the RUNT Started to make this Awful Cat Like sound too :( This is when I realized, something was terribly wrong!! I then got a call from vet around 4pm letting me know the pup there had passed. He also wanted to let me know the fluid that came out was not the normal Pneumonia fluid, more watery with a little blood, and a lot of it. He Reiterated it was probably Fading puppy syndrome.
The runt passed away at 4 am on the 14th :( It seemed from the two that died, the first symptoms seem to mimic URI, within a few hours they develop a cat like call. Within a few hours it gets stronger and more frequent then pass away within 6 -10 hours depending on amount of care given from the time you here the first cat like sound they are dead. Video of the cat like sound Here:
Once the Runt Died we KNEW we had to be dealing with Fading puppy Syndrome, all presented SAME Symptoms before death. They also had bloated belly's, that started before the Cat call. I then heard two more pups start the cat call:(
I then raced to contact a bunch of people anyone I could! I spoke to Alexis from New Horizon Rescue here in Florida who knows MANY people. We did a bunch of three way calls to people and we found out from breeders and other rescues who have dealt with this, all presented same symptoms and NONE Lived once they showed these signs. I was told there was no hope. But Alexis is like me, she does not take no for an answer. We came up with a solution of something to try, Tamiflu. Known to help Parvo Virus. What we are dealing with is fading puppy syndrome usually caused by a virus. Info about fading Puppy Syndrome here and even explains the mewing sound:
So after speaking with Alexis who was an amazing help, I went to the vets office. When I got there told him about the runt same symptoms etc and the two other pups starting the cat call. He said he believes it is the Canine Hepititis Virus Link here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infectious_canine_hepatitis or Herpes Virus and pointing more towards this one as they had almost all symptoms and since pups temp is lower then dogs since they cannot regulate has effected them severely: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canine_herpesvirus
He said really nothing can be done, but I told him I WILL NOT Take no for an answer!! He agreed to help whatever he could and give me some pointers. So I had him write a script for Tamiflu even though we don't know if it would help, it has done amazing for Parvo, so for $126 I took a gamble, but a gamble worth the try! We also got Albon, an antibiotic to help with coccidosis infection or anything in the tract since they were on amoxicillin those are the only two SAFE for pups this young. We also got Iv Fluids to keep them hydrated. there was not much more we could do other then make sure they are kept warm. Also Glucose from Syrup and etc suppliments to keep them nourished like A/D food too.
I ran all over the place like a bat out of hell. When I got home I gave everyone fluids. Then Gave Tamiflu, and gave albon. Then gave everyone some Glucose mixture also. One pup who had been making the cat call, by this time was Progressively worse. He was going downhill. But we tried everything we could he survived a little longer then others and finally passed at about 3 am this morning. The other pup that was making cat call at this time also had gotten progressively worse and passed around 9 am this morning.
When the pup died at 3 am. I decided since we still had pups left alive, I NEEDED to know and see what exactly we were dealing with. So I decided to open him up. I know GROSS BUT if it would help to understand exactly what organs were being effected may help to try and save the rest! I needed to do something. When opening him up I checked all organs ( I have done necropsie's etc for environmental police on deer to look for poisoning or parasites etc, so knew what I was doing).
The heart looked ok, the lungs looked ok were not even filled with fluid! The only thing there, was there was fluid in the chest cavity. The first thing I did notice on opening him up, was the size of the liver! IT WAS HUGEEEE!! At least 4 times the size it should have been. It took up the whole abdomen. This confirmed one of our worst fears. The Kidneys also were about 4 times the normal size with what seemed to be spots, meaning probable Hemorrhage. The other organs looked fine! The lungs were nice and pink, the pancreas was fine, and the intestines were fine. It concludes this was one of the two the vet mentioned, but leading more towards Herpes Virus.
I could go ahead and test the tissue of the pups liver to see, which we MAY do, but unfortunately I have no more funds, Im out of personal funds now, and any donations as we have not gotten any really. To Spend another $250 to run tests or more.... is not feesible right now. Either way... We are doing all we can do to help them right now.
Someone mentioned ganciclovir might help.... But again right now I have no funds, but will see what I can do! Im willing to try anything and everything!!! Also was mentioned about a milk Thistle etc which we will probably get today which helps the liver in humans, the vet had mentioned this this morning too when I called about findings, but the prognosis is slim to none!
What I do have to say is I WILL NOT take that answer until all pups have passed away! TRUTHFULLY I want to say what we are doing MAYBE helping!! As even though the pups look bloated and seem to have showed first signs etc.... with one or two possibly looking OK now... I have a feeling we maybe helping!!!! MAYBE NOT, but I would like to believe maybe we are! NOT ONE has made the cat call now from the four still alive! So lets PRAY and have Faith!!! Im routing for the remaining four!!!!!
PLEASE help donate at links above if you could! We truly need some help here. The more help we can get, MAYBE we can get the Tests done to figure out exactly what this is!! And will help us to keep them alive also if they keep living as more meds will be needed!!! So please help any amount! IF you cannot donate, PLEASE SHARE and ask your friends, also please do the FREE way to help above also! I thank everyone who has donated so far! And I thank EVERYONE who has supported us and who has been praying!! This is not over! MAYBE we can save the remaining pups!!!
Another post on what happened with Skye’s puppies:
Jamie Post 2013-10-03
CLARIFICATION of ALL that happened with SKYE and her pups: you can go to this page here to comment since if your not my friend cannot comment on this, so go here:
This has been broken up into sections for easier reading since it is long
#1 the pups, and how they passed overview of my feelings.
Its been almost a month now since I lost all the pups from Skye's Litter. The sad thing is, when it happened I was not able to mourn because of all the nay sayer's and the people making terrible rumors and all the trouble they caused, and shall say not only for me but the dogs in my care at the time and my autistic child as well. I will get to that at the end of my clarification and questions as to what has happened and to what these people have said and done exactly.
Each life lost is terrible, but losing lives before they even really begin, there is something even more terrible about it. Sometimes people say things happen for a reason, but I cannot come to grips with that. There was no reason Skye's pups lives had to be taken, none at all. I was up almost all night last night still pondering it. I still wonder, even all the people and vets that told me nothing can be done for the herpes virus..... I still ponder if there is something that could have been done, and still cannot come to grips with that fact nothing could have helped I do not ever take no for an answer when it comes to a life.
I tried the Tamiflu which was told to me by New Horizon Dog Rescue, which helps with Parvo virus hoping it would help with the herpes virus, something nobody had really tried. I still do not know if it works or not as we did not have long to try it since the pups all died within three days The first two or three that died we really had no clue what it was until about the fourth pup then the vet had the inclination he thought it was herpes. I KNEW it was something LIKE Fading puppy syndrome after the first two passed, but that can be many different things and herpes is one of them.
The Necropsy results from The Dept Of Ag states that the liver was enlarged, spleen meaty, lesions on the lungs and the kidneys too, which I had also seen myself. That is basically what ultimately killed them. There was only trace amounts of a bacteria found. What killed them was the lesions and the kidney's also hemorrhaged as well.
What could have been done to stop the lesions? Its a Virus, but its something that needs to be found out. The Herpes Virus causes these lesions but has to be something, that can stop them! Losing my puppies is only a fraction of all the lives lost to this terrible virus. Im sure many more out there will say that something needs to be found out. there are many home remedies and plants etc that can help with this sort of thing but yet the public is not made aware of this. Someone, somewhere knows how to help. There are not many articles written on Canine Herpes Virus, or even fading puppy syndrome that truly answer many questions people have, and I have decided to write something on the subject given my experience and what was found with the necropsy that was done (will be posted when done, its what i'm using my old rescue website as now, but it has not been published yet, it will also give my experience as a rescue and the underworld of Facebook rescues and drama also).
#2 Skye and how she came about here.
When we decide in our hearts we want to rescue dogs, we do it to SAVE lives not to have them be taken and the people claiming that I harmed them in any way, or that I don't care about them are very FAR from the truth. Skye was rescued from Tavares shelter literally an hour before her death was to come. I got there and she was already in the back room which they call the Dark Side there at the shelter. Nobody had stepped up for her. Luck have it, I had another dog we were going to foster for another rescue that ended up being adopted instead from the same shelter. Since I had room decided lets go save another, and Skye became the dog.
We got Skye to give her and her pups another chance at life. Something that would have slowly drained from them an hour later if we had not gotten there. Rumors are flying that we never vetted Skye or her pups. Again far from the truth. Skye came to us with Kennel Cough (or so we thought, now know it was a flare up of the Herpes Virus). She was put on antibiotics, the ONLY antibiotics able to be given to a pregnant dog, Amoxicillin. She had a fecal done, and a heartworm test. We found out that she had hookworm, and strongid which is not even a dog parasite, something found in horses, she must have eaten the horse or cattle poop! She was treated for that at the vet with a dewormer and we were also told to start giving her panacur also.
#3 the issues with Skye and the vet apts as it was rumored I never took Skye to the vet.
A week after we got her, close to her delivery time, Skye got worse but again all we could truly do was give her that antibiotic because its all that is safe for a pregnant dog, normally she would have been on some type of steroid possibly and a stronger antibiotic. She even started to stumble a little bit. We brought her back to the vet where we were told to give her some benedryl to try and clear up her fluid, and she would not cough much either.
The next day, she started to have whats called a head tremor, but we thought it may have been some type of seizure at the time. Fact is it was STILL Neurological. I called the vet and he told me that it could possibly be distemper with all her symptoms she was having. The kennel cough, stumbling the day before, and now what I had described as to be some type of seizure, pointed to possible Distemper. He proceeded to tell me that IF it turns out to be distemper we should probably EUTHANIZE.
That is when I came onto Facebook, and freaked out and told everyone what the vet had said, BUT NEVER did I say I WOULD Euthanize her, just what was said. Also wanted to see others opinions and luckily some commented on it possibly being Calcium levels. I immediately researched for a few about it, and sure enough found a video of HEAD tremors and it is exactly what I had seen as Skye was ALERT. I called the vet again to tell him he said go buy her some tums quick so I did and to give her two three times a day. It seemed to help and we brought her again to vet after giving her the tums to check her calcium levels there. They were a little low but not Hypocalcemic, but again that was after giving her tums so her level could have been lower. Because we realized what caused the stumbling and the head tremors, we KNEW it was now not Distemper~ Many had asked why we did not do the Distemper test its because we knew it was not.
Skye was also in Labor basically at the same time. She was having contractions but all were coming far and in between and she also was not pushing with the contractions. With how sick she was and with what had just gone on, after about 4 hours of nothing progressing and with her seeming weak, I took her to the vets. I had called in advance to tell them I wanted a c section done so they were preparing for that, and again at this point came online to alert everyone we were taking her in for a c section as that was the plan. Rumors have flown that we lied about all this and made people think we got a c section which is NOT true when I found out one was not needed I alerted everyone.
I got to the vet, and they did an x ray on Skye. The whole time momma was very nervous and she was blowing her coat ( a term used when a dog gets nervous and sheds a ton of hair). All of a sudden, momma started to push and have contractions! We must have scared the pups out of her She delivered one pup at the vet without issue. The vet thought it best since all looked good, we race her home and allow her to have her pups at home since he saw no reason to keep her there the x ray showed the pups were all in a good position etc and we found out there would be 8.
Momma gave birth with no complications after that. Everything seemed fine. Momma was still coughing a bunch after a few days of having her pups so we brought her back to the vet yet again! ( which ended up being her last visit to the vet here, so please count the times we brought her to the vet, for all the people who said she got no vet care). At the vet they did another x ray, and it showed she had only a tiny bit of fluid in her lung, which was either the end or START of Pneumonia. They upped her dose of Antibiotics to 400 from the 300. She ended up starting to get better about a week later hardly any coughing and she was getting her old personality back!
At This point many were asking WHY I was refusing to puts vet info up and why the vet stopped giving out information is because the vet was getting calls left and right from people because of some of the nay sayers. Was getting called names and threatened with things. MY Vet asked me to make sure to stop putting up their info to stop the harassing phone calls they were getting from people who ONLY Had half facts! Many of the screens shots you will find from people like Rochelle... Show the SAME THING OVER AND OVER its not in order and at the time was dealing with a ton of stuff as mom was in labor also. I did not have time to be posting online that much I answered a few questions and came on a couple times to update people and to see if we could get help for her growing vet bill. I did not have time to answer PETTY Questions some had, people I KNEW were against me anyways... I would not feed into their negativity. ALL the proof was at vets office and with everything they did, the people who NEEDED to know got the info. I was not going to give the info to feed into their negativity. We also ONLY got about $300 all together fromt he time we got Skye to the time her pups passed, we got about $300 in donations the whole time, I won't even mention how much I spent myself on this family! $300 did not even cover ONE Vet visit!
#4 the pups, start of the issues.
Before I continue with this, there is ONE little piece to the puzzle I have YET to get my hand on and one I think some have forgotten.... and that is, about 3 days after the pups were born, I started to smell this INFECTION smell. Many have come back to me after this, and said they wonder too if it was a sign, or if it was something that could have been prevented some how. The smell of infection, was so strong it stunk up my whole bedroom they were in. If anyone has smelled infection, they know what im talking about, it is a smell you will NEVER get out of your head. I only smelt it ONCE with a litter I had before, Jess's Litter. The smell had stunk up my whole house, and I thought I checked every pup out, but turns out, it was an abscess under one of the pups chins. They were very young and it was a spot not easily spotted. The day I found it, it had finally ruptured.... but had smelt the smell prior to it rupturing. That smell will always be with me! And I smelt it with these pups!! I took the pup that smelt the worst to the vet, and it was written off and I was told he thought it smelt like NORMAL Puppy smell ( puppies that young, do NOT smell at all) . I tried to plead and tell him no way, as I knew the smell, he said he did not want to give any antibiotics since they were so young, and told me just to watch them and if they showed any sickness signs to bring them back. The smell actually cleared up about 5 days later, and I thought nothing more of it.
While momma was getting better and gaining back some weight she had lost, her pups started to go down hill at about 12 days old. And all were dead on the 16th, they were born on the 1st. On the 12th, I noticed that one puppy, the little runt of the litter was starting to sound raspy. Like she was starting to get Kennel cough. This was at night time. So figured ok, not bad as it wasnt, just heard a little fluid sound from her nose and it was a little wet. Figured in the am would take the pups to go get some antibiotics.
When I woke the next morning our vet was scheduled already to bring the pups in to get antibiotics. I woke to an AWFUL sound. One of the healthiest pups as he was the second largest, Nike, the brown and white pup was making what I have described as a cat call. Im not sure how long he was making that sound for prior to me waking up, but he was fine the night prior. I looked him over and decided I would bring him with us to the vet too, since something was going on. He did look a little different... odd.... but I could not put my hand on it. He was seperate from all the pups making this call and therefor was kind of cold.... I rubbed him a little to stimulate his body temp a little, and put him back with momma. Other then the cat call, he seemed ok, just ODD.... He was not doing the cat call repeatedly, only every few minutes or so. I ran to take a shower, since we had an apt in less then an hour.
All of a sudden while in the shower less then 2 minutes, my daughter comes running in and said momma had the pup in her mouth and it was dead. I ran out of the shower to find momma with Nike in her mouth, and I had her give him to me, where I rubbed him vigerously until he made a noise, and then put him on a warm rice pack I had made and heated up. I dressed as fast as I could took him and the runt and drove as fast as I could to the vet, along the way stimulating Nike every few seconds as he kept dying on me.
When we got to the Vet I had already called to alert them, and they rushed him in the back. Gave him two shots I forget the name one I THINK but do not quote me was Epinephrin to stimulate his heart etc and lungs... They put him in Oxygen tank and tried to warm him up, his body temp when arriving was only 93. They then proceeded to check out the runt. They saw she had a little discharge and so they gave me antibiotics for all the pups. She seemed fine to them, as I thought too. Just a little discharge and probably start of Kennel Cough. We obviously at the time did not put two and two together....since Nike went down hill so quickly. We figured maybe he had been squished he had not much more of an explanation at the time as we had no clue, the night before he was fine, and the runt too at this point was fine also other then what we thought was the start of kennel cough.
We left Nike at the vet while they tried to keep him alive his temp when we left had risen to 96, and we brought the runt back home and started them all on Amoxicillin drops. This was all around 10 am. Around 2 pm the runt started to make a cat call also. This is when I figured or KNEW something was NOT right. I called the vet Immiediately and let them know the runt now was making the cat call. They were stumped. I asked what I could do, and they said the vet would call me back, but they felt there was nothing to be done since they saw Nike doing the same thing and he was going to die as nothing they were doing was helping. The vet Called me around 4 pm, and told me Nike had passed away and when he did a bit of fluid came out tinged with blood from his nose, and did not seem like it was a Pneumonia or anything of the sorts. I told him obviously the runt was doing the same and asked him what could be done, and he said nothing just to keep the runt warm and see what happens. He said he believed it was fading puppy syndrome, at this time no mention of the Herpes Virus.
#5 The start of fading puppy syndrome, not yet Herpes
I went nuts all night trying to figure out what to do with Fading puppy Syndrome or how to help as I myself have never heard of it. I read article after article and all basically said the same thing, nobody really knows what exactly it is, or how to help dogs with it. They gave some clues on things that could help, like fluids etc and keeping the pups warm blah blah all crap and no real answers were ever given. Only Speculation and the fact Fading puppy syndrome is just a TERM given to puppies that go downhill soon after birth. and some articles say it is caused by Hepititis or Herpes and some say that that is not accurate anymore, all junk to be honest. Not one good article or any article on ones experience with it.
Some say I was playing internet and google doctor. To be honest, with something like this where there are no answers and all you keep hearing is nothing can be done YES I went nuts trying to find SOMETHING anything that could help, it was either that or euthanize all remaining pups, that was NOT an option in my mind especially when only TWO at this point were showing any signs! Who in their right mind would listen to all this stuff being said or written about fading puppy syndrome when truthfully there were no answers! I know im not the type to just go off a hunch, or something that is written or said especially if no reason or answers given, im more of the type who will keep going til the end or until I KNOW MYSELF nothing can be done! The articles were giving insight ONLY on what could POSSIBLY be fading puppy syndrome and what could POSSIBLY help, again no answers and no where did it say it could cure it only possiblities on how to MAYBE help with it always saying you may lose one or you may lose all as it said some may not be affected by it.
The only thing that kept me sane or to keep trying is that one little statement, about it maybe not affecting all pups. That sometimes only one could be affected, or possibly the whole litter or only a few. Again never any clear answers, but knowing that there was a possibility ONE at least could survive this, or that maybe even more is what kept me going. I could have easily taken the easy way out and Euthanized all when it was SUSPECTED, but again who would do that? Maybe you would, but not me. There was no test that could be done to find anything out with fading puppy syndrome, if it were that easy it would have been done!
All the while of searching the internet for answers it went into night time. I was still trying my hardest to keep the runt alive. The cry. Its something I too will never forget! Something that runs through your whole body, the video I had posted of Mookie's cry does not even compare it was muffled in the video. It digs deep into your veins and will say can make anyone sane go crazy. It is something I wish to never hear again. It starts off just every so often, and then when they are only about two hours from dying it gets louder and keeps going non stop until their last breath. I hate to be graphic but I think its something you all need to understand, as this was the route of everything, the cry! And something that with what im writing now on my website which was formally my rescue website, is a big factor in KNOWING what fading puppy syndrome is when it happens, as that is mainly your only sign given before they pass.
The runt finally passed at about 2 am, some would critique why I did not bring her to get Euthanized when she first started to make the cat call, again you have to understand hence why I have explained so much detail of things.
Understand where i'm coming from, as someone who does not KNOW exactly whats going on, or know for SURE that the runt would die. I did not know as nobody knows God's Plans.... if this puppy would pass or not. Was it making the same cat call? Yes. Did Nike Die after making the cat call? Yes. Was I told by the vet and even the articles we don't know if they will pass until they do? Yes. So why would I euthanize without knowing. The runt who had a name by the way, Kali, was the longest one to live surprising being the runt and all. She lived 12 hours almost from the time she started the cat call. Nike Lived 6 hours but he could have done the cat call while I was sleeping also. Most of the other pups lived between 6-12 hours mainly about 6-8 after the first call. We did not have many answers until the next day.
I stayed up all night, trying to think of answers. Trying to find anything, something that will help. I have never lost a dog, or a puppy ever in my care before other then two seniors who were both TERMINALLY ill, despite some of the rumors dogs and puppies always die in my care. Seniors are different, you Euthanize cause you know what you are doing is in the best interest of the dog. You only Euthanize when you KNOW there is nothing that can be done, at least I only Euthanize when I KNOW for a fact nothing can be done to help them. Oh yes many rumors have been circulating, and that's one of them, that we always lose puppies and dogs here. There had to be some type of answer to fading puppy syndrome. HAD to be! Something had to tell me how I could help the remaining puppies. Or so I thought!
#6 The start of something bigger then expected
Around 4 am, I heard another pup doing the Cat Call. It was Mookie. The big Black and white puppy. Again it starts off every so often not continually, but the noise will stay with you forever. I could not believe it. Another, and the biggest and healthiest pup of them all. If I was not already freaking out (which I was, even one life lost is terrible already had two and a third now doing same thing) I was by now. Anyone would be. I waited to call vet at 8 am when they opened. I let them know the runt passed and now another was starting the Cat call. They told me to keep them updated, and this time they mentioned possible Hepatitis or Herpes Virus but they did not know. I asked if there was any way to test them and they said not without a liver sample of a dead puppy which would take a few weeks to get back the results, something we did not have.
At this point I'm totally freaking out. I hate to say it, as I hate to have favorites, but Mookie WAS My favorite puppy. I HAD to TRY and save him, and no not forgetting the other pups as well, but it hits you harder when it is one you may have even kept as your personal dog when older. I called everyone I knew possible. One of my friends in Canada told me to get in touch with New Horizon Dog Rescue and gave me her number, She told me they were awesome and a lot like me, they don't take no for an answer and try everything possible to try and save any dog/puppy, and said they may have insight on what to do.
I Called and spoke to them. They had never heard of Fading puppy syndrome, or the herpes Virus or Hepatitis etc. They had many contacts though, and we did three way calls and many calls ALL day. During all these calls at one point about an hour into our first conversation, they told me about Tamiflu. Told me how they had luck and almost every puppy given it with Parvo early live. How it somehow interacts and stops the virus. They told me I should try it. With all the reading and everything I had found on fading puppy syndrome I needed to go to the vet anyways. I had him write a prescription for Tamiflu. He also gave me some IV Fluids, and albon in case any type of coccidosis just in case, some AD dog food to help supplement and some other stuff as well to TRY my hardest to keep them alive.
While at the vet he explained he definitely thought it was the Herpes Virus. I begged him to tell me what to do, and to give it to me straight. My vet KNOWS I do not take no for an answer. And I do not do well with the word Euthanasia. I asked him straight out is there any hope. He said he did not know, and his exact words were "it does not look good". ‘
HE never mentioned Euthanasia, probably cause he knows I would NOT here it. And I told him that when I arrived that I was GOING to try and save the pups, hence the meds given. I spent LITERALLY MY LAST DOLLAR on buying the Tamiflu which was $130 on a HUNCH MAYBE it will work. I had spent so much money I was broke, and used money that was supposed to go to my electric etc. So these people thinking that I did not spend money, or thinking that we conned people, or who think we do not take care of our animals, I mean it when I say I spent my last dollar on them trying everything I possibly could. I even ended up dipping into money that was supposed to be for other bills as well to EUTHANIZE the last three pups at the end and then even more when I went to take them to the Dept of Ag for the Necropsy we definitely got hardly any help for any of this, especially after what they (they being the drama queens who started a rumor mill) pulled the next day that is further down.
I was willing to try everything possible to save these pups. By the time I got home from getting the meds, I noticed another pup doing the cat call. At This point I had had it. I was lost. Had no hope but I kept trying. I gave them all sub q Fluids every hour or so, to try and keep them Hydrated. I did it in small amounts. I gave them all the Tamiflu, albon and tried to keep hope that something will turn. I also read up and vet said to keep them warm. Since Herpes Virus feeds off the cold temp hence why young pups only have an %20 survival rate with the Herpes. So we made sure everything was warm, I even shut off my AC for the next two days and had a heating light on them ( vet said he did not like heating pads, to use a heat lamp).
At that point I was contacted by someone who knew a bit about fading puppy Syndrome. And we stayed on the phone almost all day. She also mentioned about keeping glucose going to for their white gums. So we also were doing A Syrup mix. I was also contacted by a Victoria Novak ( who decided to turn against me for some ODD Reason after all this). Who mentioned another med I had never heard of before. Ganciclovir antibiotic, which is almost a Dog form of Valaciclovir that treats herpes in people more known as Valtrex. I looked it up and at time could not find much on it. At that time I had ran around all day and did not have time to go nuts on another thing that could possibly work, but again we did NOT KNOW if it even WAS Herpes, and also at this time my vet was closed. We had to much going on and it was too late to really try that as she said herself it needs to be given early. After spending $130 on a med that may help and all the other money I was at a loss with going much further until something could be found out. Not that I did not WANT to try at the time COULD NOT Go get it, and had no info on it, IT MAYBE another med for FUTURE people can try!
I worked around the clock with these pups. All the while on the phone with like 100 people and that's no exageration all day trying to figure SOMETHING out, anything. Mookie Started to get worse. But I had hope MAYBE with all the meds that we were now finally giving, that MAYBE We could still save him. I had no intention of bringing him to be EUTHANIZED without TRYING. Since we had JUST started our regimine I had HOPE maybe no more would die. So at this point, we had 6 pups STILL Alive, one that may die, and another that had started the cat call. The other four seemed ok.
At this point I noticed something. With everything that had gone on, I failed to notice that the pups belly's would BLOAT way up. They had HUGE belly's once they started the cat call. And I noticed trying to Stimulate them that they would not POOP. This actually gave me some HOPE maybe it was some type of constipation thing going on, even though we knew it was something maybe more serious, maybe with the sickness they were also getting constipated somehow too, or gassy. I had no clue and DID NOT Start anything new but was going to bring it up in the am to vet. THIS is where things got VERY complicated and all the DRAMA started!
#7 The drama starts and rumors fly.
I decided on two things at this point. One, I would put up a video of Mookie doing the cat call. Many people in the last hours of all this had asked what the Cat Call was. Since I had posted numerous times during all this on my facebook page. I'm someone who Likes to make sure everyone is kept updated. Not only that but especially with what was going on maybe someone would have some info for me. Many don't understand how good facebook CAN be sometimes, with all the evil that comes with it there is also some hope, like the people who had mentioned Calcium etc with the mom and her head tremors. We would have gone all testing on Distemper not knowing what it could be, and by that time she could have gotten worse and we may have thought it best to Euthanize if we had not gotten the Calcium levels up... ( THANK YOU to the two people who had mentioned that, not sure who you are as everything was deleted).
I had also as stated been on the phone all day with some people and some who actually knew about this issue. Some were breeders, some rescues ( yes called everyone I could think of, and had help from some people with tips on who to call too not naming them in case they don't want their name associated and drama started that they know breeders). The ones who dealt with this, someone had dealt with it over 100 times... ALL SAID the same thing. All pups developed the Cat call before death, and none were ever able to be saved. I had also asked them about the Tamiflu. None had ever tried it, and most Euthanized right away. So again had hope maybe we could help the pups with the new Idea, thanks to New Horizon Dog Rescue who also had faith and hope and kept calling to see how it was going. The cat call seemed to just pop up everywhere. It is something that needs to be talked about MORE as MANY articles except ONE had no info about this CAT call.
I figured I would put up a video of what it sounded like. That way people could also see exactly what we were dealing with and going through. I told everyone I would put up a video and told them it maybe hard to watch but clearly explained everything in the video and on the thread. The video was posted. It was of Mookie doing the cat call, and at this time although I did not know it, he only lived a little while longer not even an hour. This was around 11-12 at night. Nobody at the time seemed to have an issue with the video. I got a few saying it looked bad and I should go Euthanize him but that's about the extent of it. MAny though were glad I posted it, and were tagging people saying hey didnt this happen to your pups or hey didnt you have pups die of unknown reasons etc.
Two at this time, I also put up a post that I had decided if Mookie passed away I would go ahead and do my own Necropsy on him, to find out what maybe going on with their belly's as I felt that had a big thing to do with it. I again apologized at the time and told everyone WHY I was doing it. I let people know that a necropsy would take two weeks to get results back if sent out (no vets do NOT do necropsy's at their office, not even a little bit it is sent out to be done). I Never at this point said anything about posting a picture of it afterward as it was not my intention, but that I would let people know what I find out after (rumor is going around that I took a VIDEO of the necropsy, that is FALSE never took a video).
To clear a few things up about the necropsy stuff before we go further. Many people do necropsy's. Whether it is done at a facility, or done at their home. A Necropsy is exploration whether any findings or not of the inside of a animal after death. Many people do not understand, a necropsy does NOT determine the CAUSE of death at even a necropsy place, they have to send it out to yet another place for that, but yet the initial is STILL called a Necropsy. No matter what you hear, all a Necropsy is, is exploration and to find things that are not normal inside or the cause of death to be determined elsewhere. They check for parasites, organ weights, structure etc, texture and a list of other things but you will never find in a Necropsy where they actually say CAUSE OF DEATH WAS THIS unless you have them sent somewhere else.... To DETERMINE DEATH they are sent out somewhere else. A Necropsy could be something simple as just cutting open an animal and not even knowing what your doing but peering inside. That IS STILL A Necropsy no matter findings or no findings ( there were people saying I did not perform a Necropsy, that I only butchered a Puppy were their words).
One more thing to clear up. I DO NOT and NEVER said I went to school for this or am Licensed to do this etc. IT IS A HOBBY, yes. In a hobby I do not mean I go around just doing necropsy's anytime anywhere. As a child I was fascinated by science and Biology. Mainly the structure of our organs and other things that make up a structure whether human or animal. I started at a young age by exploring the insides of dead animals that were found and learning everything and anything I could. I have read many Books professional and un professional on necropsy's and the insides of animals and humans ( no NEVER performed one on a human)! Lets say in kindergarten no joke, my favorite book was a biology book that had over 1000 pages, and I held onto that book for dear life, I loved it all about animals and their anatomy. When I was old enough people learned my ability to be able to know certain things and pick up on things that were wrong with animals. I became a little whispered name to people about the fact I can help people get answers on things when it came to a dead animal.
Im not going to get into much detail and the only reason i'm going into some detail here is because this is where all the drama stemmed from. The answer to some questions, is no i'm not licensed to do this, but do I have some skills that allow me to be able to do a FORM of a necropsy, YES. Have I gone to school for this, truthfully I wish I had to do it professionally and maybe some day I will but life right now does not allow it. Have I done this in the past with CORRECT Results? Yes I have. Was it done by a professional, no as im not one, but has been confirmed over and over by a professional I have been right. DO I DIAGNOSE or DETERMINE DEATH, no. Am I crazy for doing it or liking doing it, well are the professionals that do it crazy, the ones who can help you understand what happened with your beloved pet, no. So how am I crazy for doing it? Just because im NOT Licensed to do it? It takes a SPECIAL person not a crazy or SICK Person to be able to cut open a beloved pet and not freak out and get nuts or back out from doing it, someone needs to do it. Yes these are all things I have been called now for doing it.
Without getting into detail about who what where when, I HAVE done this in the past for people, and have done it for Petting zoos etc that needed help. Let me explain a little about that since there are rumors its not true or rumored I said this or said that. Im not putting out names never have and never will, as some of it may not be legal to be honest. NOT for me, but for the people who have asked me to do it for them in the past as some were officials. Petting zoos etc would call me when a deer passed away of unknown causes. A big reason is cause when a deer dies of unknown causes in a place like that, the deer needs to be tested for certain diseases and parasites. There are some diseases etc that will cause the whole herd to actually have to be euthanized to not spread the disease.
MANY of these petting zoos could NOT cut open an animal they have cared for, and therefor call someone else to do it. The reason the deer is cut open, is because it is a lot more money for the whole carcass to be sent out and tested then it is for certain organs they need to be tested, for instance the brain for rabies (again sorry for being graphic but bare with me as this needs to be said with all the rumors being spread). Nothing is free anymore. People should know that. Yes many places cut some corners and bringing me in for FREE helped to get them the results they needed instead of hiring ANOTHER Professional to come in and do the job for even more money. I also had a job of searching through all organs and finding any abnormalities so that those organs could be sent in also. I NEVER said once I had the technology or the means to do more testing then a necropsy, which has a huge range of meaning and one is exploration and to check the organs for abnormalities. That is my specialty but again not Licensed or professional just something i'm gifted with knowing or finding.
After the video was posted of Mookie's cat cry, he ended up passing away in my hands. I ended up trying to stimulate him and keep him alive. It worked for a little bit longer until he could not hold on any more. After everything I had been through with these puppies, losing Mookie was the worst as of yet. Three lives now lost, Innocent lives that had not even begun. Im a firm Believer in God. I believe God has some type of need for someone or something he takes, but this had me questioning and still does. I see no reason three puppies and possibly more needed to be taken. Some say things happen for a reason, again, cannot see the reason. Everything and all pups were fine 2 days prior the day. Now three pups were lost. At this point I needed to try and find some way to help the remaining pups.
#8 Necropsy
I still had hope the new meds would work. One other had started the cat call before we started the meds about 6 hours prior to Mookie passing. This was the little boxer colored boy who at this point was getting worse even after the meds. I figured MAYBE since they had already started this cat call it was too late for them, but the other 4 (still had five alive) who showed NO Signs at all, MAYBE there was hope for them. So far since starting the meds 6 hours prior no new pups showed signs. Their belly's were not even bloated either. So maybe we could at least save those ones.
My big issue was I had no clue why the belly's would bloat up as they did before the pups passed. Was it something related to why they were dying, probably. What was it though? I have worked as a vet tech before, and I know that bloated belly's can mean a number of things. One of the concerns is it could be internal bleeding. It could be that they had gas, or they were getting constipated. I looked at the fact none would poop really after their belly's bloated. Even if internal bleeding they usually still can poop. I had no clue though all I knew is something and possibly the cause of their death, was causing their belly's to bloat.
This whole time I was trying to save Mookie, I was trying to update people on facebook, and also was giving meds and sub q fluids to all the pups. It was an around the clock job. At this point I had been up for over 36 hours with no sleep. I had been on the phone constantly, running around constantly, all the while taking care of my autistic child, the other dogs in my care and the pups and mom. Was I going a little nuts? Yes, who would not? I had a choice which was always in the back of my mind but NOT an option. To end the insanity that was going on, by bringing all pups to be Euthanized, and to end my suffering as well as theirs. Yes I suffered, again who would not? these are innocent lives we are talking about 3 dead and about to be a fourth. Tell me PLEASE all the people who critiqued everything I did, WHAT would you have done?
Everyone has to understand at this point we still did not have any answers. None could be given just a guess as to what it could be. Not even much on how to even help the puppies. All the articles written said that nobody knew what fading puppy syndrome really was, and not much info on the Herpes virus either. Again the articles all said that some could be affected, some may not. Some may Die, some may not. All may pass, maybe only a few. Articles stated some supposedly have overcome this. With all that in my mind, and with me doing EVERYTHING all the articles said may help and guidence from my vet on what may help and what they thought it was, kept me going. Again four LIVE Pups NOT showing any signs yet, and one that was about to pass soon.
I decided I needed to know what was going on in their belly's. Yes somewhat for my sanity, because if I found that they had internal bleeding, I would no doubt go and put them to sleep. If I found out that it was gas, or blockage/constipation maybe I could bring that to the vet and get some meds. Reguardless of what people think or have said. I DO Know what to look for, for certain things. I know how to look and figure some things out. I was confident I could go in and figure out some type of reason for this bloated belly. Your right I do not have the equipment to do a ton of stuff like test the blood test that, do this etc, there is even a way to know for sure if its herpes with a black light on the lesions you find too, BUT I did not have what was needed, and my only intention was to LOOK and see what I find, NOT to Diagnose anything, or to determine why they died. Its an EASY Find when you cut an animal open and see a bunch of blood in the abdomen. Its not brain science on what I was looking for, BUT I can say I WAS NOT Prepared for what I saw.
Fact Verse Fiction, since many lies and rumors going around Figured I need to make a Fact Verse Fiction part for those who may not actually read the whole thing:
#1 FICTION : One Rumor going around is I killed the puppies, and the puppy I cut open was not actually dead possibly in a coma:
FACT: If you were here to see in which way the puppy passed away, you would not even need a Stethoscope to know he was dead. Do not worry I had one though, some are saying I did not. The puppy was definitely dead and had been dead for awhile before I started. I have nine pictures of what happened that night and clearly shows a dead puppy, clearly shows no malice from the pictures as well.
#2. FICTION: It's rumored I cut open the puppy for KICKS because I'm a sick individual who just likes to butcher puppies for no reason instead of giving them the respect they deserve.
FACT: If anyone has read what conspired here, and still believes I had cut the puppy up for KICKS while I had a litter of puppies dying here and for 4 days straight was up around the clock with them, you are just as sick as the rumors being spread about me as if I had done them. I cut the puppy open hoping I could find answers to possibly help save the rest of the puppies, it was NOT DONE FOR KICKS.
#3 FICTION: It is said I made a video of the puppy crying in pain and I was enjoying it and letting it suffer, and that in the video I was LAUGHING.
FACT: I did take a video of one of the puppies making this cat call. If you read the Clarification the cat call plays a huge part in knowing the symptoms of this, I took the video of the cat call so people knew what it was I meant about the cat call. The video was taken less then an hour before he passed away. If you read the clarification I talk about WHY he was not Euthed. The reasoning is because we were just given more meds and was hoping he may pull through. Again more explained above about this issue. I WAS NOT BY ANY MEANS Laughing in the video. I have been told there may have been an altered video posted that they were sharing where there was a laugh etc heard in it. MY VIDEO there was no laughing, but they may have altered a video but I have YET to see it! I STILL have the VIDEO I TOOK for EVIDENCE if anyone needs it, but no I WILL NOT post it up back online again for reasons. IF PEOPLE THINK I would BE LAUGHING at a time like this then again, they are sick as the allegations being made as if they were true! IT WAS NO LAUGHING MATTER!
#4 Fiction: It is Rumored I took a video of me cutting open the puppy.
FACT: I never took video of doing the necropsy. Only pictures which I had 9 photos in total. Again if you read above only reason I had photos in the first place is I was on the phone with someone during this. I was sending them pictures to try and get their opinion someone who said they could help. I had no intention of ever even putting a picture online but was conned into doing so. There was never a video made, however the police did recieve one from what Im told but in the video they said clearly shows it was not me just clips from youtube and they have been looking into exactly who may have made the video but they know it was not me. I myself have YET to see the video.
Jamie’s child watching video of people killing cats
To all those who follow us and support us - 07-16-2013
To all those who follow us and support us,
This morning I had a Policeman at my door. They checked my place and my dogs. There are people on here claiming stuff about they thought my place was disgusting and wish they could take my dogs. All I can say that is far from the truth! We also have people claiming the ANIMAL CONTROL (Deland has NO ANIMAL Control, run by the police officers) told me to EUTHANIZE all the puppies. That is not true either, we knew we would be EUTH around 3 am. And many more allegations but I have to say the stuff being said and twisted around about what the police said, I would have to think those people are pretty stupid to do that, all your doing is hurting yourself and possibly making the Deland Police dept upset.
All day today I have been dealing with the sick pups and getting things done. This morning they were brought to the vet and the THREE remaining pups were EUTHED. One had passed already of the four we had here. Exams were done and determined that it was best, all were having the symptoms of the others who had passed already. One pup passed at the vet in the begining that they were helping to try to save, THREE pups passed at home throughout the ordeal, and three were EUTHED at vet this morning. Allegations that we have not been vetting our animals and the pups is far from the truth. Rumors will fly and that is fine. It will all come out in the end.
WE NEVER and have YET to confirm the cause of death. BUT that is being delt with. After pups were EUTHED the vet would have charged $400 a pup to get a Necropsy done we have wanted this done but money wise was not feesable, as I have stated before on here. HOWEVER today he told me that I should bring the pups to Kissimmee and they would charge $100 a pup.
Today I have been running around have not even been able to sit down til now. Im sure many are laughing at all the drama they caused and all the riling up they caused with me today and the authorities to get kicks. Again that's fine YOUR choice on how you want to spend your time. So while I have been racing around for THREE days and not sleeping and not getting much done on trying to save a litter of pups who all had a tragic end, others were making trouble and spending their time talking all about Jamie, truthfully a little flattered that I am that important.
I have not responded to any of the stuff posted today for one, I have been busy up until now. I have had about 100 phone calls and had to make another 100 to get things straightened out, all the time trying to get what needed to be done, done for these pups, and drive over an hour to make sure they got to where they needed to be, and two truly its not worth my time as all it will do is feed into all the false allegations being posted.
We took the pups to the Dept of Ag, and LUCKILY they took ALL pups for the price of one to run Necropsy AND we paid a little extra for the Herpes test also to be run. We do NOT know what the outcome will be, we are as curious as all of you, everything has been assumptions until now. We will know in two weeks about results.
I would like to say, all the people making these comments, we ARE looking into avenues of what we can do about it. There has been some THREATS made and other incriminating comments posted not only about me but also the Deland Police Dept. People have called many place NOT just the Deland Police DEPT! They have called the CHIEF of police and many more places. The shelters have been called and we have been dealing with that too. Some false info was posted about things the Tavares Shelter was going to be doing, and that supposedly they were on their way here. So not only is my name being defamed and false claims others as well are being brought into it. All I have to say, is keep typing and doing what your doing as it CAN and possibly will be held against you in the court of law.
While I was running around all day today, I was in contact with the police Dept all day. I was told at one point something was posted online that the police were at my door etc while I was in Kissimmee. So I called them and we gladly told them we will see them when we get home and they told us to call them when we got here. The police came a SECOND time, this time they did run a FULL investigation here. Im NOT going to get into details, but this is the LAST time they will be here i'm sure and they wanted to SQUASH this (their words) as much as we did. Details of their investigation will be released when they can. We will be posting also the Police reports taken here, they told us we could pick it up in a few days. The earlier one I THINK if not linked to this investigation now can pick up tomorrow.
Any comments posted here CAN and POSSIBLY WILL be held against the person posting in the court of law. Would like to make that clear. For the night I will not be on much, I have much to do here. If people have questions etc we will answer them tomorrow. I would like to say, OUR DOGS ARE HERE, and happy and healthy!!!
They WILL NOT be going anywhere. The people also CLAIMING and bringing my daughter into their accusations have hit an all time low. Those claiming I have a warrant on me from Maine, should double check their facts! All your allegations and things you guys are doing which we have MANY monitoring, truly need to get off the computer and save some lives. We KNOW EXACTLY who was calling police and who has played big parts in all these allegations with FALSE Claims. It will all come out in the end. These are my ONLY statements i'm making for now about this issue happening. I DO However want to thank ALL people who have supported us through this!! TY!
Complaints to the Dept of Ag – 2013-10-17
Complaints to the Dept of Ag that we were running illegally, and taking donations and not using them for the purpose in which we collect them, and other types of things said in the complaints, ALL PROVEN AND SHOWN to be wrong! Good try to the haters. The name to the lady has been taken out, BECAUSE I do not want crazy calls to her, and also I have talked at LENGTH with this woman about what has truly gone on here..... Just not needed to give her a headache so the contact info was taken out!
Throw Away Moms And Special Needs Dogs Networking Oh yes they have been, a couple people I will be taking ONE to Court but have not decided about others! Taking EVERYONE to court would not work..... and plus no point if I will have to spend money to get it done and they dont have any money if I win, which trust me I would! Talking to a lawyer.... I could sue one or two people in the amount of about 100,000! REASON is for what they have done and said and caused....not only to me, but also my daughter! I made sure I did it right and proved while they did it right there was emotional suffering, and also physical as well! For the two weeks they went on and did what they did I lost 12 lbs by being so stressed out and got the doctor to note it! And also other things as well! And it caused my daughter emotional and physical stuff too! The lawsuit would be for my daughter and me! Also not to mention the defamation, and libel as well! all together I could sure for $100,000 and he said would DEF win! BUT..... Im probably only going after ONE person! MY daughter has a disability dont forget and what they did here and what they caused, made a bunch of issues and again ALL documented!! Their biggest thing was calling Child Protective services with false claims! I had a pic of my daughter with two black eyes on facebook, clearly stating she just had eye surgery the IDIOT im suing sent the lady the LINK TO MY PICTURE where it clearly stated that!! BUT yet she sent it saying I beat my daughter LOL! How stupid is that person? Anyways yes very correct, and that one person is CAMILLE LODGE! From Camilles Rescue Page im going after:) As I have proof of her doing stuff for more then two years lol!!
INFORMATION WILL BE RELEASED in a few Moments!!! Breaking NEWS into the stuff that happened with our Rescue! We have now tracked down WHO Put a VIDEO up claiming it was me Dissecting a puppy here! We know now EXACTLY who it is! Luckily Youtube holds ALL info and after Two month we have NOW tracked it down and to exactly WHO did it!!! Thanks to everyone who helped!!!!!! I will be releasing info in a few, just going over some stuff!!!! A Simple Apology from the person would have Sufficed! Now boy are they in a WORLD of hurt!
Throw Away Moms And Special Needs Dogs Networking I have to see if releasing the name PUBLICLY is an option yet... I do not know!!! I will let you know in a bit!! NOW who ever THOUGHT WE MADE a video STAY TUNED!!! OBVIOUSLY it was never done and we will show the PROOF shortly:)
Throw Away Moms And Special Needs Dogs Networking ALSO ANYONE Who had SEEN THE VIDEO.... PLEASE MESSAGE THIS PAGE AS WE would like to possibly use your statements about it for court!!!!! SO IF YOU SAW THE VIDEO AND YES there was one made, BUT NOT BY ME..... and obviously a FAKE etc and we have also found some parts of where the video was taken different clips as well to originals of where it came from!!!!! I need the people who saw it to contact me as we need some OTHER information as well... For other parts of a LAWSUIT not just Criminal to show EXACTLY where the Video was shared etc, we got a ton of that info from youtube as they track where it was shared form the LINK but not if someone just copies the links and posts it! SO PLEASE MESSAGE THIS PAGE! THANKS!
Rescue Base – 2014-01-28
Throw Away Moms And Special Needs Dogs Networking's status.
Due to conflict of interest and personal clashing....my rescue will no longer be moving into the place that was to be considered our rescue base. It was being bought (and still is) by a current board member with the hopes it would become a safe haven for the dogs while they waited for their angels to adopt them.
Without getting into much detail unfortunately there has been a change of plans. A decision I thought was in the best interest of the dogs under my charge, the rescue and my family has proven to be the wrong choice. I will NOT be moving in with the board member, nor will that property have anything to do with our rescue.
As of right now....I know our Rescue has kind of been all over the place lately. However, sometimes one cannot predict the outcome of choices made. This was one of those times. My main goal was and is, the Rescue that is what I make my life and build around. The dogs and their well being, care, emotional state, and quality of life is my main concern at all time. The decision to pick up and leave where I was previously was for the dogs, thinking and hoping for something better. Now we will be starting over.
I do not know what the future will hold for our Rescue in the future...but I am not a quitter. I will still and still do hold hopes we will find a great piece of property that will be our Rescues.....and not another persons. For now, our rescue will continue as we have.....although its very small scale right now....we hope soon to be able to change that with finding yet again another bigger place.
We are starting over as a Rescue here....taking a step backwards and rethinking our plan. We are not closing our doors...just laying low to regroup. We will be redoing our whole board....and changing a few things. As I stated im not totally sure which direction we will be going currently....and cannot guatantee by this time next year....we will be continuing as a Rescue, although my hope is we can, unless we can move forward there will be no use for a Rescue stuck in limbo. For the time being and for this year....we will continue as we have, and hope we can move forward.
If anyone has any questions for us, please message the page. We hope to keep everything going....and hope those that support our efforts continue to do so. Thanks!
Ps. If there is anyone interested in trying to better our Rescue and can contribute their time into bettering the lives of the dogs under our charge, and would like to join our Board.....please message the page for details. Please keep in mind that we are starting over and trying to rebuild, taking a step back and only moving forward slowly. Thank you!
Official and immediate anouncement:
Official and immediate anouncement:
We are closing our doors here as a Rescue starting immediately. We are through as a Rescue. Bella has what we defintely believe to be parvo. Bella is vaccinated and has been through so much! She started having the poops yesterday and bloody but thought from straining...there was no huge concern until now. Projectile vomit twice for no reason. I have given her anti nausea med and hydrating her. She will be rushed to vet asap in am or sooner if condition worsens.
Bella was in bad condition again when we got her back from adopter. She was malnurished and also filled with at least three different worms. Her immune system through everything she has been through is probably weak hence how and why she maybe getting parvo even though vaccinated....we dont know...we dont have answers. Im thinking it ia definitely parvo but maybe....just maybe its something else. Im hoping for that something else obviously....
If it turns out parvo.....we dont know how or where she got it. We have been at this place longer then 14 days which is when signs would show by.....and no dogs have come through here. We have seen one or two cats...and we know we have raccoons in area. Because of the not knowing....chances are we cannot fully get rid of hazards. If it turns out not to be.....then thankfully we are in luck! And can count our blessings. If it is....we risk any dog coming into our Rescue.....puppy or older as we are now finding out if Bella does have it.
We will be on very high alert with dogs here in our Rescue if it turns out ita parvo. Luckily....Bella has been somewhat conrrolled on where ahe has been and who she was around because of her aggression possibilities....she still hates Rosie. Therefor she has been seperated from all dogs for the most part and really only been in the coral area of our property with a few poops here and there outside it.
Because this is kind of my last straw if it turns out to be parvo.....and because nobody has donated and I cant keep affording all this on my own....have spent over 1300 in the last 30 days myself with everything....and basically onlt had enough left this month to finish Charlies heartworm...I have come to realize no matter how healthy or ok an animal seems...could turn into a 1500 or 5000 animal! We have yet...had a dog come through our Rescue other then two puppies who have cost less then 1000! Bella is already a 5000 dog that we have spent on her....Charlie is getting close to a 2000 dog..and he was a stray who was found but seemed healthy at glance.
Due to everything....I know my limit..and I have reached it. I have spent thousands and just cannot afford to keep going. Donations are nill.....which would be ok if I did not keep having this type of issue with dogs being so sickly. Luckily....they are dogs who would not have had another chance and are now alive because someone cared. Unfortunately....I cannot do it any longer. Money wise...its not there. Charlie will now have to wait to get the rest of his treatment....while I try and save Bellas life again..which is not fair to Charlie. Money does not grow on trees and asking for donations and help is useless.
This is our final decision after everything we have been through. If Bella pulls through this....we will be looking for placement for her and Charlie. Rosie and Isis will be staying with me for good unless a great home comes along for Rosie. It is not an immediate need for the two....but sooner the better. Cody will probably stay with Tim...and Lucy is doing an overnight at a potential adopters home...who already told me I lost a dog:)
I want to thank all those who have helped and supported us this far. I hope this wont dissapoint you and tou can understand our troubles and decision. This is one road rraveles I wont forget thats for sure. We cannot however keep going on and rescuing with no help...it has to do with that...not much because of Bella...or issues.
Financially I cannot keep going like this. Thanks to all of you....36 lives were saved in 9 months.....! May not seem like alot.....but thise lives will forever be changed! Thank you!
Announcement!! We are willing to pay Great Dane Rescue of South Fl $1300
Announcement!! We are willing to pay Great Dane Rescue of South Fl $1300 all I currently have to spend....to buy Gypsie from you! Obviously yes we could Rescue many more animals or even buy one from a breeder at that price but its not about the breed or another dog...but we became attached to Gypsie and we want her here with us! We are willing to pay $1300 for her!!!! Right now...well maybe in am when bank opens and we can meet!!!!!!
Throw Away Moms And Special Needs Dogs Networking i sent a text to them as well...and asked them to consider offer!!! we shall see! cross fingers...sometimes money talks and hoping it does here....she is worth every penny....her eyes. and her touch will haunt me forever now....knowing or not knowing...what has happened....
Jennifer B. Kleme hold up you were asking for $$ for Charlie because you didn't have it and now you are offering to "buy" a dog for $1300 but are through with rescue?? Can you see how this is not sitting right with people?? a few weeks ago I contacted you about a dog and then saw the following week you weren't in rescue anymore...so can you tell me what is fact and what is fiction please?? this is getting confusing....
Throw Away Moms And Special Needs Dogs Networking How is it confusing? I had money at time for Charlie...but we also as a Rescue need help with funds. Rescues rely on help from the public.How much money I actually have...is nobody's concern at moment but i made it public as I would give up what I have to save a life. I have spent over 12000 of my own funds in the process this year as a rescue which is not a huge amount...but on the amount of dogs which was not a ton it is...for our first year. Nobody helps really. Im not going to continue rescuing due to that and personal reasons. I cant offer to buy with my own moneya dog that needs a place that will love her? It is my choice what I do with my money...and I dont put price tags on dogs. Every life is worth saving. We spent 5000 on a family of five here...if I had a million dollars I would have no limit. I dont. This dog came into our lives already...and I always feel things happen for a reason. Its not about the amount of money im willing to give fpr this dog if i had more would even offer it. Just cause im closing my Rescue...does not mean I cannot rescue a dog if that makes sense....my rescue is done...yes. not officially yet but by end of next month...i still can save a life if needed though. I guess people cannot get money in within a weeks time either? ....which obviously I have more money then I had a week ago as well.
Joan Tracey Jennifer B Kleme what a person does with their own money is their business, in this case it is to save a poor dog that is being treated badly and needs help. I think instead of asking all these questions everyone should be trying to help here.
Throw Away Moms And Special Needs Dogs Networking Julie Denton its not, we are offering the amount to them so we can bring her here....as we already love this dog, and want to see her safe. She escaped again last night:( Im sure we wont know TRUE answer if she has been found yet....hoping animal control will help me with that one today! We do KNOW she had escaped as of 8:15 last night though again:(
Julie Denton Oh man. I hope they will just let u guys have her and not take $1300 from u guys.
Throw Away Moms And Special Needs Dogs Networking I was hoping they would accept the offer, but they have refused! It is what it is. To them, they asked if I was that crazy! Well some may think offering that amount is crazy....So to those, maybe I am. To me, no price tag on a dog. Just like woman with Men or Vice versa or whatever....sometimes we fall in love and just cannot get over it. sometimes a being touches us more then another. And this girl def did. She reminded me of Saeha with her disposition! Saeha a 15 year old I rescued from Miami dade. A Big aloof dog.... but yet the kindest soul of any dog. This dog was somewhat just like her. I can walk through a shelter...and yes its sad, and you feel for each dog, but there is always one dog that touches you more then the rest. as humans, we were given the gift of love, sometimes though....no matter what, it maybe stronger for one then another in some cases. This dog is one of the ones who has touched me. I feel now I owe it to her to keep her safe. I do obsess sometimes, I admit it.....and this girl will NOT just get out of my head. I will forever remember her....and I will keep following and figuring out what is going on with her as much as possible throughout her time in that rescue.... Its not like I can just forget about her, wont happen. To me, offering money was a last ditch effort on hoping I could accuire her from this Rescue to make SURE she was safe and loved, but obviously won't happen. Fate though, always has a way of finding its way in one way or another. I may never see her again, BUT can assure you fate happens for a reason just not sure what it is yet!
Throw Away Moms And Special Needs Dogs Networking Do people even know WHY I began a Rescue? Do people understand what compelled me to begin Rescuing? If not...it was because of Bella. It was because f Saeha I got alerted and drawn into the Rescue world online, BUT because of BELLA is why I started a rescue. Because a dog nobody wanted. A dog that was so sickly would cost so much money that no rescue felt she was worth saving. Her last day, after watching everything and people ignoring her plea....after me begging rescues to take her and I would foster....Rescues saying stuff like no sorry she has Sarcoptic mange and you have a child, or no you dont have a fence cause at the time I didnt, I decided I HAD to save her life. I decided in my mind she was DEF worth saving. No matter how much money I knew this dog needed to be saved! I was so angry at rescues, many just making excuses cause they truly did not want to spend so much on one dog.... and THINKING that she was half dead anyways.... decided her life did not matter. The TRUE reason I became a rescue, mainly was because I learned in the state of FL in order to even collect a PENNY from anyone.....you have to Register as an org through the state and the dept of ag I did NOT have all the money at time to help her on my own, so needed some help. Many would say I should not have become a Rescue if I did not have the 5000 to save her life....but any don't just have it laying around, BUT I KNEW I would make sure even if nobody donated that she got what she needed...Many called me out saying I was not prepared to become a rescue.....but thats far from the truth...I was, and had the drive of an army all in one...Sometimes love and compassion is all it takes. every dog in our care thus far has gotten all the help they have needed, all the vetting, all the love, care and tender touch...reguardless if I had the money at the time...I only got dogs I KNEW i would be prepared for and all has worked out. Many say I never vetted Skye and her pups!!! I spent $1500 on that family and have all the PROOF...What happened with them, as vet said...there was nothing that I could have done to save them once we KNEW what it was.... We DID need help with Bella and we got it, but I needed to register as a Rescue in order to get help. It was seeing al the rescues online act like children.... I wanted to be able to choose which dogs I wanted to save, not which one another rescue wanted to. I wanted to save the dogs that others would not. I was sick and tired of seeing rescues only get dogs with pledges, and leave all the sickly ones. sure.....some rescues took in Sickly dogs but thats only cause they KNEW they could collect the pledges and or raise money for it.....the ones that had no pledges, or they knew nobody cared about were left.... I decided I NEEDED to become my own rescue in order to save the ones nobody cared about. I did not like how rescues ran then, and sure as hell dont like how they run now, with few exceptions to some!
STATEMENT on everything INCLUDING Gypsie
STATEMENT on everything INCLUDING Gypsie:
After yesterday and today, it PROVES that not everyone is who they seem to be. Not every Rescue is a GOOD Rescue. For everyone that knows us, knows how we are, and what we do, and how much we care for the animals. To anyone new....there maybe a few details you do not know. One of which is in this story here: http://canineherpesvirusinfo.weebly.com/
In the story above its about a litter of pups we had here. Its heart wrenching and something I will NEVER forget. You will also read about a decision I made as a Rescue, and someone who cares DEEPLY about dogs, not a decision made from any malice. Some may not like my decision, and I can understand that. What I did was not LEGALLY wrong and obviously never got in trouble only thing done was a police report as it HAD to be done since someone called saying I KILLED puppies which was FAR from the truth obviously and PROVED all the vet care we gave the puppies, nobody KILLED the puppies. Morally to some yes the decison I made may not have been right and can understand from their point of veiw. What you will NOT read on there is what I went through because of hateful people who I had had it out with for years prior, who blew it all WAY out of Proportion and made rumors and lies many of which had nothing even to do with what conspired just for their kicks...as far as bringing my innocent Autistic Daughter into the mix as well.
It seems Rescue has outdone itself. As I have stated many times before, Facebook can be an amazing tool, but can also be the demise of some. Some of the Rumors on top of everything, is that we were CLOSED down due to what happened with Skye and her pups. that is FAR from the truth! We have police reports, animal control reports and other documents as well. And all it takes is a simple call to Animal Control to see if we were ever CLOSED down. The cops were ACTUALLY mainly on our side, and very annoyed with many on what they were saying and accusing us of. All lies in the police report made by someone, and has been proven to be lies. The police however wrote the TRUTH about us, and how all dogs were and how our home was, how we had vet records, and other things to prove everyone wrong. Yet, the people who lied, will try and tell you I must have seduced, or conned the FIVE police officers who were at my house since they were all men...lol YES some will believe anything!
We have been a Rescue since starting up in May. We have done everything right. We have an EIN number, Registered with the Dept of Ag, and registered with the state as a domestic Non Profit. Nothing ever came of all the lies to our Rescue. We rose above and became stronger! Unfortunately... due to some personal things going on, and also money wise, I am closing down the Rescue! NOT because we have been forced to. We have over five animal Control officers on this page....we have County workers from a few different Counties, and even a few police officers (feel free to reveal yourselves if you want)...but sure they won't. I know some PERSONALLY and some just through Facebook. Everyone knows us, and who we are and what we do. NEVER have we been in trouble, or will we be in trouble as a Rescue. So those Rumors can stop, as anyone can find out this info themselves, but all you will find is lies, and things that cannot be backed up!
I want to talk about Gypsie. As a Rescue, I tell everyone....we have obligations to the animals in our care. More so then just a normal Pet Owner. We have an obligation to give the best care possible....to deworm dogs regularly...give flea and tick treatment.....heartworm prevenatives... get Vet care.... give love...give attention...to train....not to think of dogs as property meaning keeping them in crates nor tethered....We have rescued these animals from situations that some are imaginable. We owe it to these animals as a RESCUE to care and show them the love and health they may never have seen. We are their RESCUERS not just a stop along the road.
Every Rescue has their own opinions on whats right and wrong. What should be done and what shouldn't. There are many rescues who have so many dogs they don't even know what to do with them all. They are overwhelmed. us as a rescue keep things small....and to what we know we can handle. Having twenty dogs, there is NO WAY you can give each undivided attention, just not possible, and those that have even more... there is no way you can properly care for them either unless you have a big crew...which we do not, therefor only the number we can make sure we can care for, and give love and attention to is maintained here.
Some Rescues run as Shelter type places, keeping dogs in crates or confinement. Here in our Rescue.... EVERY DOG (except Charlie, and Bella due to not being able to) Have full roam of house. Are treated with unconditional love. Sleep with us. Play and roam all day. And are treated like GOLD here. They are almost as important as my child. Each and everyone. Charlie right now due to heartworm is confined to a crate VET ORDERS, but he still gets snuck out for great body massages, kisses and love many times a day. Bella... has to be confined away from dogs. She cannot be around other dogs without supervision, and is in seperate rooms due to her dog aggression as to keep her and other dogs SAFE.
Unfortunately... there are many rescues who seem to do great things but their are skeletons in the closest that don't come out unless found out. We THOUGHT Xtreme Rescue was a good Rescue. We are finding out, that it seems to be about games and ego. We do not want to bash that Rescue, as I dont know them well enough. I do know.... they are NOT Supposed to be pulling dogs out of MDAS for other Rescues, and that was obviously done here. There are reasons. It happens though, often. Hey we ourselves have used other Rescues to pull for us where only 501c3's could pull. It saves some money. So it is what it is, and what happened with that may have to be answered to by Miami Dade when time comes. I do not like the Way Xtreme is now thinking this is a game (see whats being posted here and go to their Gypsy post about me:
https://www.facebook.com/xtremerescueinc) , by posting on their page that I have been defeated....and Gypsie is back home and Safe? This wasn't a game, I was not DEFEATED. This is about an innocent life that should be protected. In my eyes, its not safe with what happened and conspired yesterday...its just one rescue though that was found out by mistake by them.
What I DO NOT like from Xtreme Rescue is the response to me stating and alerting them to Gypsie all of which is documented. The way they covered it up for the rescue, and how they conspired with the Rescue on making a bogus story about someone finding Gypsie and tieing her up and how it was not the Rescue, but we have PROVED that wrong. WE KNOW the Rescue did, without a doubt. We got a message from Xtreme last night... Mollie. Stating that maybe the Rescue didnt tie her up, maybe someone found her and did and then chewed her way out. All of a sudden this morning, when the Rescue finally found out their dog was missing....I get a voicemail from Anna.... Stating she had the dog in the barn and dog escaped and someone called her to tell her they had the dog tethered....a neighbor.... but by the time she got there dog had chewed its way out. Again we have PROVED this wrong with the photos....and the photo of the Rescue picture with the SAME leashes tied the SAME way....so deny it all you want, but Xtreme Rescue conspired with this Rescue in making up this story, again message with their words from last night prove it, as its exactly what Anna Said on voicemail.
Either way here is my take. I didnt know this Dane Rescue from a hole in the wall, and from what Im hearing not many do. As a Rescue its about working together. I made a posting last night with Gypsies pic, before I knew the story. Minutes after posting we find out what some of the Story is. As a Rescue....seeing a very THIN dog wondering around, with a 8 foot lead of leashes attached, being so skinny, wet, and obviously some issues.....it would make anyones blood boil. That was my first reaction....alot of anger seeing a dog like that. Then we realized about the Shelter collar....and figured there must be a deeper story. So we came online for help, and to show the dogs condition. We soon found out the dog had just been pulled from a shelter. We sighed relief knowing that at least her condition was because of that and not who tethered her. Anger was still there on the fact this older dog, with medical issues was tethered. We had no clue WHO had this dog, until finding out it was a RESCUE. Truthfully I wouldnt have been so angry about her being tethered if just a normal pet owner home. Why? Because some people are not as they seem, some are stupid and dont know dogs from a hole in the wall.... But to find out a RESCUE had this dog, and she was tethered really boiled my blood again as it should anyone.
As stated as a Rescue we have obligations. And more obligation then just a normal Pet owner. We are the animals Savior. We are supposed to treat that animal the best we can, and show them they are loved. My first thing I do as a rescue.... is BATH the dog, oh yes, and a nice BLOW DRYING after! The Rescue who had this dog, stated the REASON they did not bath the dog is because they did not want dog to get sicker?? Really? Well... A bath and blow drying should be a better alternative to the germs and shelter gunk a dog will carry back, not to mention to get all the fleas and Ticks off as well. Im sure to an older dog, on her aching bones.... a Bath is heaven and feels great! At Least Gypsie liked it! I just feel that she needed to be given a bath, pampered, and loved! I dont believe sticking a dog in a barn (we dint TRULY know where the dog was kept, was told the barn so many lies you never know for fact) in a thunderstorm for her first night....not taking off her Shelter collar....and leaving her there but now KNOWING she was TETHERED as well....to me is unethical. BUT again everyones opinion of what RESCUING and treating a dog like is different and I know that. So, with that said I CANNOT say this was the worst thing, or that these people are soooo terrible for doing it, but I can have my opinion, and my opinion stands that this should NOT have happened. It is also known, tethering is ILLEGAL here for many reasons, and this is a prime example.
So was this Rescue WRONG in doing what they did? Again all in opinions. Did they mistreat and abuse this animal? Probably not, but it could be considered NEGLECT to some, but maybe not legally, just morally. Many people make moral mistakes it happens. the outcome for this mistake could have been alot worse! This dog could have tangled itself, gotten hit by a car, or taken by someone who would have no intention on finding owner. We could have kept our Mouth shut....but we wanted to figure out this dogs story, and give the benefit of the doubt. We tried to give the benefit of the doubt to this Rescue, but was Blatenly lied to by a bogus story, bad mouthed like WE did something wrong when in fact it was all their mistake which caused this, not to mention an illegal act of tethering, something MANY rescues have fought years to pass.
Those that keep bad mouthing can keep doing so, because thats all you ever do. For anyone who THINKS we were in the wrong for being so concerned....how can you say you love animals, or dogs? How could one love a dog and think that this was OK by not just anyone, but by a RESCUE? In my mind, those that are bad mouthing and acting like this was ok....you are as much as a monster I think these people are. If you do not think of dogs as family....as your children....and act like they are.... then I dont know how you could call yourself a dog lover. Dogs are NOT Property...nor furniture! They are living, breathing, feeling, caring beings who look to us to give them what is needed....as they would give their LIFE for you!
Im going to be putting out another long statement on here in a few minutes
Im going to be putting out another long statement on here in a few minutes. Many are truly wondering real reason to alot of things, one including WHY we are truly closing the Rescue. I have stated due to personal reasons, and money wise. I will get into more detail and explain everything in my statement. Along with my last words about subjects. It will be my LAST Statement, and then Im taking a break from Facebook. I have enjoyed my break away recently from not having the internet... once we got the internet it took alot of me to even come back on, hence my longer break away. Many who know me, know Im blunt and honest. Have NEVER lied a day in my life, Im down to earth, free spirited, dont bullshit, and tell it how it is, brutally honest is how many describe me. Many tell me to shut my mouth, dont say too much.... unfortunately Im not wired that way, which has gotten many thinking the opposite of me on who I truly am!
My Rescue is driven with compassion, love, and to get more personal....an Obsession. In my statement Im going to lay it all out, get personal....as I think many deserve to know FACTS. I have been called crazy, called a loon, called all sorts of names... all I can do is laugh... as the ones making those statements are who I would consider crazy. Personal attacks, Vendettas, and personal reasons for those, are what I consider someone who is crazy to do. I need a break away from the CRAZY people on facebook....
I have totally concealed myself in the Rescue world for over a year and it has taken its toll. After today, I will be on Periodically... but... not much. Im emotionally drained... Life is supposed to be about happiness and making the best of each day. My whole life, has been consumed with animals since a small child. It took up until now, to realize I DO have an issue. I have an Obsession and such compassion for animals....that it has consumed my whole life, and has gotten me to where I am now and have been for the last year....stuck on Facebook trying to help every animal I can.
I was not emotionally drained because of my obsession and passion for animals, until now. Now that I have hit rock bottom with emotions, Im finally coming to grips with an addiction.... and that is being able to consume myself so much with my passion, that that is all I think about day in and day out, and have allowed myself to be consumed by facebook and the people on it, good and bad... It has come to a point, where I cannot focus on anything else... Life has become facebook and facebook drama because of it. I need to focus on life in general... care for the animals I have, and do it by myself, on my own terms when I want and how I want. Get back to the way it was BEFORE FACEBOOK. When I was happy doing what I did for the animals. I should not have to rely on facebook to express what I do and how I do it. I like my life SIMPLE. Im a SIMPLE person, who has never allowed myself to be addicted to anything, nor consumed as much as I have now! I need a BREAK and thats exactly what Im doing.
Everyone here understands by May first I will have my Rescue closed
April 3, 2014
Everyone here understands by May first I will have my Rescue closed...im closing my doors as of def. May 1ST. I also will be leaving my board members house as of then. I came to Palm Beach to hope that we could continue our efforts...when moving I realized I had no clue who the person was that was my board member. Our personalities clash... and we are very different. We both have different veiws on how a dog should be treated and how as a Rescue to run and how to take care of the dogs. Sometimes you dont know someone til you live together. I have thought about this decision since moving here.
With that said Im heading back to the area I know well...will be leaving May first or around that time. We need a home for Charlie and Bella desperately before I leave as they cannot come with me. Either another Rescue or foster or adopters. I WILL NOT allow them to stay with my board member....so they need a place. We dont have many options so underatand it will need to happen by the time Im out of here.
We started as a Rescue last May thinking we could help the ones who couldnt help themselves or that nobody wanted. At the time life wasnt so crazy. I owe life being crazy now due to the dogs I have saved and facebook. My life has been consumed...and normally would not mind but the drama is ridiculous! Its not that I cant take it...cause trust me I COULD throw it back ten fold...but TRY to stay away...somehow it finds itself right back in the same place and dogs are dying because of it.
I have enough on my plate with the dogs I care for and my child who has a disability. Being a single mom who cannot work much do to my daughters behaviors and after school programs and babysitters not being able to deal with her....I can really only do so much for work while she is in school hence why I do have alot of time on my hands. I figured what better way to take up my time by doing what I love.
Despite what people think or thought...I did have money to do what I wanted but just cause I had money does not mean I wanted to have to do it all alone...maybe if I had millions but each dog other then a handful has cost me over $1000 and one family $5000 which now is closing in on $6000 since we have her back. As any Rescue you rely on help. I did not mind spending my money...but sometimes you couldnt let people know you had money so you could get others help...otherwise one would go broke quickly as I find myself most times now. Unfortunately humans only seem to want to help if they think its needed...if they dont...they wont help...thats where alot of things started to go wrong...just cause we asked for donations which we never really got....we were not taking care of our animals some thought. Which is stupid cause we always told everything we did. We always had things out online step by step on what was happening with each animal.
As drama progressed and dogs were being saved it just got worse. I was online day and night trying to save dogs...even if not dogs I was rescuing I was coordinating other dogs for other people to be rescued...it became very time consuming....I was online sometimes from 7 am to 3am and talking on the phone calling multiple people. Even though I had two other board members...I was the one doing everything...heck I dont think they even watch this page much lol...life became only about the dogs. Again dont mind it if drama did not follow as well.
I have always had an obsession that came from my passion with animals. It all started as a young child. My life has always been about animals. I believe everyones childhood shapes them. My time at ponds...in the woods...and all the animal interactions as a child shaped me into becoming the passionate animal lover I am today. With being passionate comes hardships. Not everyone thinks of an animal as you do...not everyone understanda your passion nor your thinking. Some just think of animals as furniture or something that can be discarded.
With a love for animals...comes compassion..a love for life...a free spirit. I live a simple life....having my daughter and my animals is basically all I care about....people....not so much. Im a very outgoing person...if someone got to know me...they usually would think Im very friendly and love people. Im nice...im smart...im caring...funny..and to them outgoing....you would THINK with all that and the energy of a five year old...I would be the perfect one for doing Rescue and thats what I thought too. Unfortunately though not the case.
The drama that ensues and the bickering is not who I am nor is it how this industry should run. It should be about the animals and everyone coming together as one to help, not about personal issues or vendettas. The passion each has for this type of work and the animals....one can only imagine getting together all these woman in one place! Its hell! Something I have never seen before...its a whole new world....each has their own veiw and everyone else is wrong...again coming from each ones passion...which I can understand...but its just not for me.
Closing down the Rescue....will give me my life back. Its not something I would have wished for...as so many dogs are dying. Between personal life...and the path I want to choose to follow to pursue happiness...no more coincides with Rescue. At least not this type...nor in the publics eye. Because of my passion...and my dislike for most people...I just cannot continue to consume my life with this drama...I need to be able to get off facebook and focus on my life...my daughters...and the future animals I will have. Does not mean I wont Rescue personally agin at dome point when I feel I can.....as I personally with an exception of some donations in have had to take care of all finances myself for the 36 dogs we did save.
Only difference rescuing personally and rescuing as a rescue...is donations. As in the state of fl someone cannot collect a penny without being registered with the dept of ag which in turn means you need to be a registered org. So once I close...I will continue to do it...just on my own and off of facebook so the drama doesnt continue in my life. When you get into asking for donations or being a registered Rescue...you have obligations to make everything public...to show everyone where their money is going and how well the dogs are doing. Which is obviously number one factor for drama to pursue since everyone has their own opinions. By rescuing by myself on my own time....I have no obligation...dont have to put my whole life with the dogs online...and can again live in peace!
Now with all that said....I will keep this page up...and as of May first...it will get back to being only a networking page. Nothing more. I WILL NOT be online as much though....will share dofs..answer questions and thats it. Many of you have been on this page since we started just as a networking page...and we thank you all for sticking around even through soooo much drama! And to those that are new here...welcome! Hopefully the page will get back to normal and how it used to be...and more dogs can be saved! Thank you all for understanding...!
2014-04-20 Jamie’s Abandoned Dogs
Charlie - Not neutered or completed HW treatment
Bella - Not spayed